Stoicism In Religion -

Consider: Stoicism In Religion

PERSONAL REFLECTIVE REPORT 3 days ago · Stoic Six Pack 2 brings together six more essential texts for students of Stoicism: Consolations From A Stoic by Seneca. On The Shortness of Life by Seneca. Lectures and Fragments of Musonius Rufus. Ethical Fragments by Hierocles. Meditations In Verse by Marcus Aurelius and James Blake. The Stoics by Diogenes Laërtius. 8 hours ago · Read writing about Stoicism in The Apeiron Blog. An easy to read philosophical space that aims to elicit discussion and debate on matters of the universe. 4 days ago · 1. Perhaps it’s because of the changing, warmer weather. Or perhaps it’s everyone getting vaccinated after a year of Covid winter. But the feeling of optimism is hard to miss. At least for some people, that is. Others are feeling, well, stuck — vaccine or .
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Stoicism In Religion - opinion you

How can Stoicism help us come to terms with, and even appreciate our mortality? In Stoicism, death is viewed as a constant reminder of the fragility and transience of life. We focus on trivial things, such as making more money, getting a promotion, or buying a bigger house. We make plans for the future. Awareness that our days are numbered creates a sense of urgency and puts our daily preoccupations into perspective. Each day becomes a gift. Instead of denying or being afraid of their mortality, Stoics embrace it. This near-death experience changed his life. It eliminated his fear of death, energized him, and created an insatiable curiosity about mortality. It also gave him a sense of purpose: He spent the rest of his life reflecting on, studying, and writing about the day he nearly died. Stoicism In Religion Stoicism In Religion

But the feeling of optimism is hard to miss. At least for some people, that is.

Stoicism In Religion

Others are feeling, well, stuck — vaccine or not. Writing in Jezebel this week, Molly Osberg wants to pump the brakes on all the premature celebratory optimism. Close to a third of Americans know someone who has died during the pandemic. Eight million more people are now Stoicism In Religion in poverty. And — I had to read this one twice — researchers have found that as many as 1 in 3 Covid survivors have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder within six months of getting sick. Four months ago I was drawn to individual memorials because I craved a sense human proportion.


Buzzfeed spoke to a variety of Americans concerned about resuming commutes and losing the focus social isolation allowed. In Vox, psychologists provide readers with tips on managing their new fear Stoicism In Religion crowds by practicing mindfulness. The existential terror hovers to varying degrees around the edges of these stories, and the anxiety about what comes next is real. In the place of a shared sense of reality or collective expression of mourning, I see a torrent of advice on how a person who managed to survive can feel more self-actualized once they return to the shuffle between the office and after-work drinks.

Maybe feeling stuck is just where we are now. For now, it seems the go-to Stoicism In Religion to calmly face misfortune with a smile and a song: 2. Are you expected to just emerge from the tomb and greet your disciples like nothing happened? When faced with burdens or difficulties, the usual go-to impulse is to try and fix them, which of course sounds perfectly reasonable. If Stoicism In Religion feels stressed, they might add meditation to their morning routine.

Or exercise. Or both at the same time like yoga. Feeling distant from God might lead one to pray more. If our back hurts, we take medicine or do physical therapy. As outlined by a recent Washington Post article, less is often more : Across a series of studies that we published this month in the journal Nature, we demonstrated that people tend to overlook the option to subtract partswhen asked to change or improve something.

We asked research participants to make changes to designs, essays, recipes, itineraries, Essay Stock Reflection and even miniature-golf holes. When they are able and willing to think a little longer, they are perfectly capable of finding subtractive changes. They quickly identify an additive idea that is good enough, put it into action and move on. We prefer to underestimate how grave the problem really is.

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Sometimes, as argued by Merve Emrethe problems are too deep to be Stoicism In Religion by mere addition. For a book whose ultimate goal is to urge people to ingratiate themselves with their colleagues or be a little Stoicism In Religion shouty in their marriages, a startling number of chapters feature tales of capricious killings and casual violence. This failing is inherent in the self-help genre, whose premise is that the capacity for change always lies within ourselves. It is a vision of personal freedom achieved, paradoxically, through constant self-regulation. The usual ballast of self-control is pretty hard to maintain when most things have been turned on their heads.

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Writing in the Spectator this weekGraham Tomlin regards the Stoic response to see more pandemic as a departure from Christianity and, more significantly, painfully inadequate: Augustine believed that this is Stoicism In Religion world where pleasure and pain are right and proper. Agony and ecstasy are part of a proper response to a world which is both an extraordinarily beautiful creation of a good and generous God, yet at the same time, a world that is broken and damaged, and has fallen a long way from what it should have been.

For Augustine, the wise do not face death and evil with calmness and acceptance, but with frustration and discontent.

Stoicism In Religion

They grieve at their own failures and deliberate sins. They long for the City of God — aching with desire for God and for the future that God will bring about one day, when death will be no more, where tears and sadness will be a thing of the past and they will Stoicism In Religion glimpse their Creator, the hidden generous giver that stands behind every good gift. For the Christian, composure is distinctly overrated. The Christian is therefore not yet quite satisfied.

He is always longing, waiting for something more, knowing that this life will never quite satisfy, and it was never Stiocism to. He cannot be stoical, content in inner imperturbability, untouched by the outside world.]

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