Kids On The Streets Analysis -

Kids On The Streets Analysis Video

Egypt: The plight of Cairo's street children Kids On The Streets Analysis. Kids On The Streets Analysis

For over 45 minutes, the movie, premiered in under the canopy of Green Light Effects, narrates the story of Samira, a street child with her siblings who has experienced hard times living in hunger without shelter.

She believes going to school can give her a new path in life but unfortunately the community she lives in gives her and her siblings no consolation.

Kids On The Streets Analysis

As she struggles to help herself and her siblings, her see more exposes her to a plethora of scenarios which defines their fate as Children of the Wind. The children are pictured in most scenes barefooted, their legs as white as though they had been moving for kilometres; their dresses are all shattered. They sleep in empty air, and when nature is very kind to them, they get an uncompleted Kids On The Streets Analysis which does not even stop the heavy rains; the scorching sun and the heavy wind from making their destinies bleaker.

Some of them are stigmatised to be witches, thieves and prostitutes. They sleep and get up every morning with the hope that a "Good Samaritan" will come to their aid.

Cameroon: 'Children of the Wind' - Recounting Ordeals of Street Kids

And when this does not happen, the ladies hawk their bodies for a loaf of bread. The children are again pictured in some other acts being raped and violated just in the quest of putting food on their tables. Others have created gangs and become hoodlums in the same quest of earning a living Strdets jeopardising the security of the society.

Kids On The Streets Analysis

The themes of prostitution, hate, pain, education, pessimism and hardship spiced up with slight traces of love are evoked in the movie. The Pidgin English used in the film further depicts undereducated nature of the children. It is in a bid to see these children out of the streets and curb crime wave that Streeta Fonban and his entire crew through "Children of the wind" is pleading on the powers that be to fine-tune intervention mechanisms.]

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