The Importance Of Diversity In Books -

The Importance Of Diversity In Books - can

Adhering to federal and state mandates, in addition to maintaining a politically correct appearance with regards to culturally diverse organizations is the new normal. Many definitions of culture exist. One way to define culture is the knowledge, experience, values, ideas, attitudes, skills, tastes, and techniques that are passed on from more experienced members of a community to new culture diversity Words 6 Pages Assignment- What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past? Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. What will the U. Why do you think so?

The Importance Of Diversity In Books Video

We Need Diverse Books Campaign Video The Importance Of Diversity In Books

Apologise, that: The Importance Of Diversity In Books

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Hel And Hades Similarities 2 days ago · Cultural Diversity And Its Influence On Nursing Practice Words | 4 Pages. Culture Diversity and Its influence on Nursing Practice The United States is made up of a very large, and diverse group of people. Every day more and more individuals come to the United States to begin a new life. 4 days ago · Storytelling and literature play an important role in preservation of human heritage, culture and diversity and author Sutapa Basu, who is just out with her mystery novel "The Cursed Inheritance. 2 days ago · Culture and diversity are a huge part of our everyday lives. "Diversity refers to all of the ways in which people are different"(1) and culture refers to language, beliefs, and rules. There are many aspects of diversity that make up our personal identity. Four specific ones that come to mind for me.
The Importance Of Diversity In Books

Amazon books Heritage important part of storytelling: Author Sutapa Basu Storytelling and literature play an important role in preservation of human heritage, culture and diversity and author Sutapa Basu, who is just out with her mystery novel "The Cursed Inheritance" says it is important for writers to contribute more towards conservation of heritage through their stories. Drawing parallels, Basu cites European cities that showcase their old manors, villas or castles by weaving tales around them and that narrating well-known historical events or family anecdotes or even Importancr hauntings turn them into interesting tourist destinations.

Culture Diversity

BBooks being asked why she chose to write a mystery set in Kolkata, Basu, who has for the first time explored the cozy mystery genre, shares that she has used the city as a setting to infuse regional elements, typical to it, into the mystery. When they visit such sites, a desire to seek out more such heritage sites grows in them. That is the way literature spreads awareness about heritage," she adds. Her new book gives a bird's eye view of Kolkata's heritage through architecture, social customs, modes of transport and food.

The Importance Of Diversity In Books

It is a story set in a huge dilapidated mansion in Kolkata that has been bequeathed to a young heiress who has been brought up in London and has to take a trip back to this mansion and her family's past, in order Boojs dispose it. At first, she decides to sell it. But after a few days of living in the mansion, she changes her mind.

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She is utterly charmed by its elegant grandeur," Basu says. In "The Cursed Inheritance", the protagonist is beguiled by the aura of her family's history that permeates the mansion.

The Importance Of Diversity In Books

Each day, she finds the residence becoming more and more a part of her. Basu, known for her historical fiction on characters from the history such as Padmavati, Genghis Khan and Nader Shah, says she has always been interested in mystery, thrillers and history. In 'The Legend of Genghis Khan', a mystery surrounds Importancce relationship of the conqueror and a captive Indian princess. In 'The Curse of Nader Shah', an intrigue to dethrone and assassinate him runs from the beginning till the end of the story," she says. A young girl who knows nothing about India represents a generation whose roots are Indian but who are unaware of their homeland whether they were born and bought up in India or beyond its borders.

Culture Diversity And Diversity

Literature plays a major role in engaging readers with the intangible components of heritage. When an author describes food, clothes, traditions of a place and time, the readers are also able to connect them to customs and lifestyles followed by their own families. According to her, many ancient buildings lie scattered across the cities of India which hold valuable narratives that need to be recorded for future generations, lest they disappear with time.

The Importance Of Diversity In Books

Talking about Kolkata's heritage, Basu says, "However, lack of maintenance as well as the rush to build high rises is destroying them.]

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