Rudy: A Psychological Analysis Of The Movie Rudy -

Rudy: A Psychological Analysis Of The Movie Rudy Video

The Greatest Wine Forger- Rudy Kurniawan

Rudy: A Psychological Analysis Of The Movie Rudy - pity, that

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Video Transcript Transcript for Chris Cuomo says Rudy Giuliani is 'acting as a PR agent' So he has the number one show on CNN right now and you know that must drive you-know-who in the white house a little nutty, just a little bit, but we're glad to have him back here on this show. We don't get to see him enough. So we were just having a conversation about Michael Cohen. Movid also a lawyer.


Based on what you've heard, should they Psychologial looking at wans tampering? Does it rise to the level of witness tampering? I think they have to and the reason, to build on sunny's point, is that witness tampering doesn't have to be successful to be wrong. The attempt is enough. And if you look at what the president has been saying, you have to do an examination of the hardest part of the law, and correct me if I'm wrong, which is motivation.

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Why is the president saying what he's saying about his father-in-law? Now, it can just be this is what this president chooses to do with his political power, is that he likes to disparage those who he sees as opposition. That could be it.

Rudy: A Psychological Analysis Of The Movie Rudy

It could be that he click that by saying this he will quiet Michael Cohen, and right now he was right. He was right. Because it did. Do I believe Michael Cohen's -- through his counsel, his fears about his family, I do. And god willing you guys don't have to feel this.

Rudy: A Psychological Analysis Of The Movie Rudy

When you are on the wrong side of the president in the perspective of those who support him, it is a frightening place. The most powerful man in the world arguably. He is without most powerful man. Should they subpoena him? Should they subpoena Michael Cohen? So looking at their statement, I don't think they're there right now.

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Psychologidal They have said they don't want to reward the tactic of the president. Well then they have to figure out how to comfort Michael Cohen and make him safe. Could they subpoena him, yes. I think a lot of what we're dealing with in this dynamic with the probe is not about whether or not something is a crime.]

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