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Apocalypse Now Analysis: the Duality of War Essay On War Veterans. Essay On War Veterans

The author in the early fall of near Bagram Air Base. Author You watch sporadic drops of rain blotch the sidewalk outside your office on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska, and think of watching for the first time as rain fell into the dust of Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, nearly Essay On War Veterans years ago, in How it cratered into what the Afghan Ieyasu Fireworks half jokingly told you was the result of decades of artillery having pounded the soil into fine powder.

How the raindrops disappeared into the parched stuff. How you could drive through the inches of it that seemed to cover the whole of the Shomali Plains, only for it to wash back over the tire tracks. The news that President Biden will begin a military withdrawal that will conclude Essay On War Veterans September 11th came as no surprise. When he released his interim national security guidance last month, you tore through it, highlighting passages and making margin notes.

Essay On War Veterans

A signal that perhaps the Forever War was ending, that after years of consensus across the national security establishment that the military needed to re-focus on preparing to fight rival nations, the moment had arrived. Your wing has just ended an exercise of several days meant to prepare for that fight, which some believe is close. And you cannot help but consider yourself, a career airman who entered the profession of arms as an 18 year-old kid on a rainy Colorado Springs day in Essay On War Veterans of and commissioned four years later with a plan to do the five years he owed Uncle Sam as a graduate of the Air Force Academy, then jump ship. The author near Bagram Air Base during his first tour in Afghanistan.

Essay On War Veterans

One might picture you as a sure-footed military man with a passing appreciation for the past. A guy who says huh when he pauses to take stock of his life. God, but it all felt so righteous back in and So purposeful. The nation had rallied behind the mission sEsay bring our enemies to justice. Many Afghans loved America, or so it seemed. You walked off-base for kebabs and naan wearing only pistols, brought rifles only when you Essay On War Veterans to show off, and asked your sources where the Taliban were.

Veterans essay example

Pakistan, they said. Sure, there was unfinished business in Afghanistan. The sporadic rocket attacks. The occasional intelligence report of Taliban massing in the hills. But you shrugged it off.

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Nation building is messy. You left a hopeful trail of footprints in a blanket of fresh snow when you walked to Essay On War Veterans awaiting C on Christmas night of But when you returned in to the war you seemed to be winning when you left, the dun-colored landscape Essay On War Veterans Kandahar found you changed, having survived deploying to the war in Iraq that divided your nation, and nearly killed you. You were hardened: a cynic, survivor, and newly Veterrans combat rescue officer trained to save pilots shot down behind enemy lines who instead found himself flying several medical evacuation missions a day to pull wounded Canadians and Dutch soldiers from where they lay dying in the Afghan dust.

You almost died in a helicopter crash. And then you came back inand little had changed or improved but still you hoped, and once again, you almost died.


You returned home once more, checked career boxes, ascendant, until it was no longer you headed out the door; it was the men and women you led who returned to Afghanistan. To the fight you Veteranz finished, and neither did they. No, it is the fact that you survived when others did not that still cuts. You wear the names of dead comrades and grieve to think of your last memory of them.

You do not ask yourself if it was all worth it—not just the war itself, but the refusal to leave it implicit in your decision to continue to serve — because the answer is complicated. You try not to think about the cost the Afghans have borne since by telling yourself that Essay On War Veterans been bearing that cost since the Soviets showed check this out a half-century ago and yet they persist. You tell yourself it was click going to Eseay this way, but you do Essay On War Veterans lie and say you always knew as much.

Yet you cannot help but ask yourself how it came to this, because you always believed your calling was to ensure that it did not. The schools were abandoned, the wells ran dry, and the roads became battlegrounds.]

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