Professionalism In The Nursing Profession -

Professionalism In The Nursing Profession

Professionalism In The Nursing Profession Video

Let's talk about professionalism - Caring with Confidence: The Code in Action - NMC Professionalism In The Nursing Profession

Nursing and Professionalism In Healthcare

Behrend et al. Therefore, professionals are individuals who are expected to display proficient and skillful behaviors in accordance with their profession. Professionalism, therefore, means the act of behaving in a manner that is expected by a given profession. In nursing, professionalism was started by Florence Nightingale who Profewsionalism nursing profession fundamentals such as patient care, cleanliness and management, and set higher degree of professionalism and respectability standards Behrend et al. According to Nightingale, nursing profession embodies Professionalism In The Nursing Profession core values inherent in those who pursue nursing careers.

The core values Professiona,ism consistent globally and they include honesty, responsibility, and belief in human dignity, desire to prevent and alleviate sufferings, equality for all patients and pursuit of Professionalism In The Nursing Profession knowledge among many others. Ideally, nurses choose nursing profession to help others and improve their quality of life in their practice. Importance of Professionalism in Nursing Non-biased care for patients Professionalism in nursing allows nurses to handle patients of all ages, sizes, colors, races, and backgrounds without bias.

It enables them to see a patient as a patient without focusing on some attributes that are disliked personally. Any kind of prejudice from a nurse hinders the quality of patient care and builds a negative reputation of the hospital. A professional nurse will display a very high standard of non-biased patient care Hoffart and Woods, Integrity Ferguson-Pare et al. Medical records are confidential. Professionalism and integrity of the nurse in nursing profession is to keep confidential maters confidential.

Professionalism In The Nursing Profession

Attitude A terrible attitude makes things difficult at work place. In nursing, a nurse with aterrible attitude makes patients and the Professiohalism of the staff miserable. This kind of attitude contradicts Professionalism In The Nursing Profession profession core value of helping others other than focusing on ones problems. Personal problems are not supposed to interfere with nursing practice because, they may bring bad attitude to practice. Professionalism helps a nurse with a terrible attitude to work on his or her attitude to be able to provide quality care and make the workplace conducive for patients and staff.

Professionalism In The Nursing Profession

Responsibility A nurse has a great deal of responsibility ranging from responsible patient care, monitoring delicate equipments hooked to the patient, responsible handling of medication, and keeping medical records safe. Professionalism requires the nurse to take all these responsibilities seriously to avoid making mistakes and suffer the consequences of irresponsibility and Professionalim.

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Honesty Honesty is a vital quality in nursing profession that emanates into being in different contexts. Unprofessional nurses choose to lie to avoid taking the responsibility which finally leads to poor practice and more patient sufferings Behrend et al. Teamwork Nursing click depends entirely on team work. Professionalism enables a professional nurse to collaborate with the entire hospital staff to provide ultimate patient care. Teamwork helps the entire hospital to avoid expensive hassles.

Professionalism In The Nursing Profession

For instance, when a hospital is filled to capacity here every hand is required, a professional Tbe will not ask and insist for Nugsing vacation time off. Appearance of a nurse can instill confidence in a patient or total mistrust and fear. For example, a nurse who walks into practice with ungroomed hair, chewed-on nails, wrinkly and shabby scrubs, junk jewelry, and torn shoes or in slippers.

Such nurses will loss patient respect, other staff and families. Bad appearance will associate the nurse with laziness, uncaring and unorganized. Willingness to help others The fundamental value of nursing profession is to provide help to others. A professional nurse is always ready to help patients, other nurses and families. Willingness to help makes Professionalism In The Nursing Profession nurse to be trusted and seen as someone with core value of goodness. Nightingale built nursing profession on two pillars, which include goodness and care. Therefore, professionalism helps nurses to practice these core values to promote the quality of Professionalism In The Nursing Profession care. Discipline Timeliness is very important in nursing learn more here

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