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African penguin skeleton at the Museum of Osteology African penguins grow to 60—70 cm 24—28 in tall and weigh between 2. The sweat glands above the eyes cool the birds' blood, and as the temperature rises, increased blood flow causes the glands to get more pink. The beak is more pointed than that of the Humboldt. The African penguin's colouring is a form of protective colouration known as countershading. The white undersides of the birds are difficult to spot by predators under the water, and the penguins' black backs blend in with the water when viewed from above. They have black feet and black spots that vary in size and shape between individuals. Magellanic penguins share a similar bar marking that often confuses the two; Magellanics have a double bar on the throat and chest, whereas the African has a single bar. These penguins have the nickname "jackass penguin", which comes from the loud noises they make. Distribution and habitat[ edit ] The African penguin is only found on the south-western coast of Africa, living in colonies on 24 islands between Namibia and Algoa Bay , near Port Elizabeth , South Africa. Through Black Spruce

Martens have a roughly triangular head and sharp nose. Their long, silky fur ranges in color from pale yellowish buff to tawny brown to almost black.

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Their head is usually lighter than the rest of their body, while the tail and legs are darker. Martens usually have a characteristic throat and chest bib ranging in color from pale straw to vivid orange review by [ 39 ].

Through Black Spruce

Body length ranges from 1. Adult weight ranges from 1. Other than size, sexes are similar in appearance review by [ 28 ].

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American martens and Pacific martens are differentiated based on cranial characters, fossil history [ 39 ], and mitochondrial DNA analyses [ 31 ]. Pacific marten in southwestern Montana.

Through Black Spruce

Photo by Nathan Stone, used with permission. Martens have limited body-fat reserves, experience high mass-specific heat loss, and have a limited fasting endurance. In winter, individuals may go into shallow torpor daily to reduce heat loss review by [ ]. Breeding: Martens reach sexual maturity by 1 year of age, but effective breeding may not occur before 2 years of age review by [ ]. In captivity, year-old females bred successfully reviews by [ 39]. In the wild, year-old females were reproductive [ ]. Adult martens are generally solitary except during the breeding season review by [ 39 ]. They are polygamousand females may have multiple periods of heat review by [ ].

Females enter estrus in July or August review by [ ]with courtship lasting about 15 days review by [ 39 ]. Embryonic implantation is delayed until late winter, with active gestation lasting approximately a month. Females give birth in late March or April to a litter ranging from 1 Speuce 5 kits review by [ ]. Annual reproductive output is low according to predictions based on body size.

Fecundity varies by age and year and may be related to food abundance review by [ 28 ]. In northeastern Oregon, low population reproductive rates were associated with high levels of predation on females prior Through Black Spruce weaning kits [ 20 ]. Denning behavior: Females use dens Blavk give birth and to shelter kits. Dens are classified as either natal dens, where parturition takes place, or maternal dens, where females move their kits after birth review by [ 28 ]. American marten females use a variety of structures for natal and Blwck denning, including the branches, Through Black Spruce or broken tops of live trees [ 1891, Through Black Spruce, ], snags Through Black Spruce 18387891,], stumps [ 6 ], logs [ 186078,], woody debris piles [ 6 ], witch's brooms [ ], rock piles [ 183360], and red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus nests or middens [ 18].

See Denning for more information on denning structures and habitats associated with denning. Females prepare a natal den by lining Sprkce cavity with grass, moss, and leaves review by [ ]. In another study in southern Wyoming, the average number of maternal Tjrough per individual was In northwestern Maine, American marten females moved kits from tree-cavity natal dens to groundlevel log maternal dens when kits were 7 to 8 weeks old, then moved kits back into large tree dens when they gained coordination at 12 to15 weeks old [].

Through Black Spruce

In southern Wyoming, Pacific marten females did not move kits from aboveground to ground structures between natal and maternal denning; many natal dens were in ground structures [ ]. Females were often away from dens from dusk to midnight [ 84 ].

Spruce Black

Paternal care Through Black Spruce not been Through Black Spruce review by [ 28 ]. Development and dispersal of young: Weaning occurs at 42 days. Young emerge from dens at about 50 days but may be moved by their mother before this review by [ 28 ]. In northwestern Maine, kits were active but poorly coordinated at 7 to 8 weeks, gaining coordination by 12 to15 weeks []. Young reach adult body weight around 3 months review by [ ]. Kits generally stay in the company of their mother through the end of their first summer, and most disperse in the fall review by [ 28 ]. The timing of juvenile dispersal is not consistent throughout American marten's distribution, ranging from early August to October review by [ 28 ].

In south-central Yukon, American marten young-of-the-year dispersed from mid-July to mid-September, coinciding with the onset of female estrus [ 3 ].]

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