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IELTS Essay Correction: International Sporting Events are Beneficial to a Country Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay

The city first became a Chinese national capital as sEsay as the Jin dynasty. The name Nanjing, which means "Southern Capital", was officially designated for the city during the Ming dynastyabout six hundred years later. See also: Timeline of Nanjing Early history and foundation[ edit ] Purple Mountain or Zijin Shanlocated to the east of the walled city of Nanjing, is the origin of the nickname "Jinling".

Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay

The water in the front is Xuanwu Lake Archaeological discovery shows that " Nanjing Man " lived more than thousand years ago. Zuna kind of wine vessel, was found to exist in Beiyinyangying culture of Nanjing in about years ago. Since then, the city experienced destruction and Essaj many times. Nanjing was later the capital city of Danyang Prefecture, and had been the capital city of Yangzhou for about years from late Han to early Tang.

Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay

Stone sculpture of the southern dynasties is widely considered as the city's icon. Shortly after the unification of the region, the Western Jin dynasty collapsed.

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First the rebellions by eight Jin princes for the throne and later rebellions and invasion from Xiongnu and other nomadic peoples that destroyed the rule of the Jin dynasty in the north. It was built in AD and Esay in the 10th century. During the period of North—South divisionNanjing remained the capital of the Southern dynasties for more than two and a half centuries. During this time, Nanjing was the international hub of East Asia.

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The six dynasties were: Eastern Wu —Eastern Jin dynasty — and four southern dynasties — Destruction and revival[ edit ] The phoenix birds once frolicked on Phoenix Terrace, The birds are gone, the Terrace empty, and the river flows on. Flourishing flowers of Wu Palace are buried beneath dark trails; Caps and gowns of Jin times all lie in ancient mounds. The Three-peaked Mountain lies half visible under the blue sky, The two-forked stream is separated by the White-Egret Isle in the middle. Clouds always block the sun, Chang'an cannot be seen and I grieve. The city was razed after the Sui took it over. Jiankang's textile industry burgeoned and thrived during the Song despite the constant threat of foreign invasions from the north by the Jurchen -led Jin dynasty. The court of Da Chua short-lived puppet state established by the Jurchens, and the court of Song were once in the city.

It was well populated and had a large craft industry. He constructed a 48 km 30 mi long city wall around Yingtianas well as a new Ming Palace complex, and government halls. It is believed that Nanjing go here the largest city in the world from to please click for source a population ofin His successor, the Hongxi Emperorwished to revert the relocation of the imperial capital from Nanjing to Beijing that had happened during the Yongle reign.

Zheng He governed the city with three eunuchs for internal matters and two military noblemen for external matters, awaiting the Hongxi Emperor's Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay along with the military establishment from the north. Hence, Nanjing still had itself imperial government with extremely limited power before Besides the city wall, other Ming-era structures in the city included the famous Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and Porcelain Toweralthough the latter was destroyed by the Taipings in the 19th century either to prevent a hostile faction from using it to observe and shell the city [53] or from superstitious fear of its geomantic properties. The Tomb of the King of Boniwith a spirit way and a tortoise stelewas discovered in Yuhuatai District south of the walled city inand has been restored. Beset by factional conflicts, his regime could not offer effective resistance to Sports Have The Power To Unify A Nation Essay forces, when the Qing army, led by the Manchu prince Dodo approached Jiangnan the next spring.

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Koxinga's attack on Qing held Nanjing which would interrupt the supply route of the Grand Canal leading to possible starvation in Beijing caused such fear that the Manchus Tartares considered returning to Manchuria Tartary and abandoning China according to a account by a French missionary. An official from Qing Beijing sent letters to family and another official in Nanjing, telling them all communication and news from Nanjing to Beijing had been cut off, that the Qing were considering abandoning Beijing and moving their capital far away to a remote location for safety since Koxinga's iron troops were rumored to be invincible. The letter said it reflected the grim situation being felt in Qing Beijing.]

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