Similarities Between Inca And Aztecs -

Similarities Between Inca And Aztecs - are not

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Influences[ edit ] Aztec architecture reflects the migration of the Aztec civilization across present-day Mexico.

Similarities Between Inca And Aztecs

Aztec religious beliefs are reflected in the designs of the religious structures as well as domestic structures. Aztec cities often competed to construct the greatest temples in the Aztec empire. Domestic structures reflected the social and financial status of inhabitants. Building techniques[ edit ] The Aztecs had advanced knowledge of building techniques, and they knew how to build on the local geology and terrain, particularly Aztecx soft soil.

Similarities Between Inca And Aztecs

The builders employed stone bases for the temples. Joyce writes that "[t]he physical geography of Central America was favorable to the rise of the art of building in stone. Instead of demolishing old temples and building a new one at the same site, the Aztecs simply built over the existing structures, which resulted in larger and more detailed pyramids. Relationship with Aztec culture[ edit ] The Aztecs designed their buildings to be functional for everyday life as well as religious practices. The architectural style of the Aztecs always reflected relationships with a higher power. The teocallior An, were significant to Aztec religious practices.

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They were the sites Siilarities religious celebrations and rituals. There were multiple torn levels, which each correlated with different classes. The Aztecs believed that ascension was the processing of preparing oneself to please the gods. At the top was the main temple where sacrifices took place, since that was considered to be closest to the gods.

The households were simpler yet uniform to the rest of the civilization.

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The Aztecs did not want a mismatched civilization. This could displease the gods in the eyes of the Aztecs. The highest social rank was that of the priesthood, which permitted access to the temples and more exclusive quarters. Members of Smiilarities priesthood lived near the temples while people of lower classes lived increasingly further away according to their status.]

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