Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay -

Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay - everything, that

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Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay

Hire Writer One of the main issues brought to light during the discussion of this topic is the fact that every child should see more given the right to both a mother and a father. It is believed by many that in order to grow psychologically and prepare for the world ahead of them, children need to have role models of both genders. In addition, it is said that every little girl needs the emotional support of a mother; likewise for a small boy and a father. It may also be argued that future relationships of children adopted by gay couples could be tainted, due to the fact that they have not experienced living with the opposite sex; if the gender of the adopted child matches that of its adoptive parents.

However, if this is the case then must all families which do not provide their children with both parents also be banned?

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Statistics show that one in 20 adopted children in the UK go to single-parent homes, resulting in approximately 1. If this large amount of parents raise emotionally and psychologically unstable children who can not handle relationships, legal action would have been taken in order to prevent such people from adopting. Role models and means of emotional support can also be found elsewhere, besides in the home.

Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay

Friends, neighbours and teachers provide this and more. Interaction with members of the opposite sex is experienced during school life, so any child living in either a homosexual or single-parent family would not be disadvantaged. Another topic raised is that of homophobia. Psychical violence, extreme prejudice and exclusion are problems faced by a large majority of gay people daily. As it has been for centuries, the gay community are commonly considered unacceptable.

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Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay could be said that to place a child into the care of people who are subjected to such treatment; a child perhaps too young to have an opinion on homosexuality is morally wrong. Exposing impartial children to such ridicule is not taking the welfare of them into consideration, and must therefore be disallowed. Bullying could perhaps reach such a degree that the child begins to begrudge its adoptive parents for causing them to experience such torment. It is only through embracing homosexual people, whether attached or single and accepting them as members of our community that we can hope to overcome prejudice. It is both a common saying and a fact that children are the future. We can only hope to shape our children in the most positive ways possible, in order to make for a better world. This includes disposing of homophobia.

A predominant amount of children adopted by gay couples will see past the discrimination surrounding them, and will therefore be a valuable asset to a prejudice-ridden world in the future. The reality is that prejudice is not only experienced by homosexuals.

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The adoptive children of couples from ethnic minorities could also undergo scorn at the hands of their classmates, yet such couples are no denied the right of adoption, in even the most racist areas. Other such minority groups include immigrants, the physically and mentally disabled, followers of uncommon religions…If we are to allow only those we see as ordinary to adopt, we are left with Bee very slim chance of finding caring homes for the high amount of children in care.

The most important point in adoption by gay couples is the happiness and safety of the children. It is a confirmed fact that stability is one of the most important factors in raising a happy child. Insecurity within the home will reflect badly on the child, resulting in unhappiness within the parent-child relationship, as well as the relationship between the parents.

Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay

Many insist that these are the type of problems that can be expected to occur as a result of adoption by gay couples.]

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