Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows -

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows Video

Resilience: Women of the First Nations

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows - apologise

Her name was given to her by her grandfather when she was four days old and it was considered a name of honor, commemorating her grandfather's handsome war shield. They kicked balls stuffed with antelope hair and slid down snowy hillsides on sleds made of buffalo ribs. When she was seven, she was attacked by a mad buffalo bull. In trying to escape she fell and drove a stick into her forehead and against one eye, leaving a permanent scar. When she was fourteen, Pretty Shield and a group of her friends were treed by a grizzly bear and her cubs. Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows - phrase


Of the companies of cavalryinfantryand artillery authorized, were not organized, and few, if any, of Prehty-shield: were at full strength. By July this shortage had somewhat eased since many of the members of the disbanded Volunteer outfits had by then enlisted as Regulars. It needed occupation troops for the Reconstruction of the South and it needed to replace the Volunteer regiments still fighting Native Americans in the West.

Consequently, on 28 July Congress authorized 4 additional cavalry regiments and enough infantry companies to reorganize the existing 19 regiments then under two different internal organizations into 45 regiments with 10 companies each. After this increase there were 10 regiments of cavalry, 5 of artillery, and 45 of infantry.

A regiment consisted of 12 companies formed into 3 squadrons of 4 companies each. Besides the commanding officer who was a colonelthe regimental staff included 7 officers, 6 enlisted men, a surgeon, and 2 assistant surgeons. Each company was authorized 4 officers, 15 non-commissioned officers, and 72 privates. A civilian veterinarian accompanied the regiment although he was not included in the te of organization.

Andrew J. Smitha Veteran of the Mexican—American Warwho had been a distinguished cavalry leader in the Army of the Tennessee during the Civil War, promoted to colonel, took command of the new regiment.

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Custer graduated from the United States Military Academy in Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows the "class goat," i. Soon after taking command in earlyCuster led the 7th Cavalry out onto the Kansas plains to protect the westward movement of pioneers. That same year, Custer was relieved of his command for pursuing a band of Sioux and Cheyenne at such a rapid pace that several men deserted. He issued orders to shoot on sight and one man was killed while three were wounded. After one year without pay or a command, Custer returned to the 7th in and began preparations for a winter campaign. Custer's troops followed this trail all day without a break until nightfall, when they rested briefly until there was sufficient moonlight to continue.

They followed the trail to Chief Black Kettle 's village, where Custer divided his force into four parts, moving each into position so that at first daylight they could simultaneously converge on the village.

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows

At daybreak, the 7th charged as the Regimental band played Garryowen [3] many of the musicians' lips froze to their instruments [3]Double Wolf awoke and fired his gun to alert the village; he was among the first to die in the charge. The 7th Cavalry soon controlled the village, but it took longer to quell all remaining resistance. The Osage scouts led Custer toward the village, hearing sounds and smelling smoke from the camp long before the soldiers.

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows The did not participate in the initial attack, fearing that the soldiers would mistake them for Cheyenne and shoot them. Instead, they waited behind the color-bearer of the 7th Cavalry on the north side of the river until the village was taken. The Osage rode into the village, where they took scalps and oc the soldiers round up fleeing Cheyenne women and children. As the fighting began to subside, he saw large groups of mounted Indians gathering on nearby hilltops and learned that Black Kettle's village was only one of many Indian encampments along the river, where thousands of Indians had gathered.

Fearing an attack, he ordered some of his men to take defensive positions while the others seized the Indians' property and horses.

Pretty-shield: Medicine Woman of the Crows

They destroyed what they did not want or could not carry, including about ponies and horses. They spared horses to carry prisoners.]

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