Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach -

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach Video

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Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach - join told

We had to wake up at about a. Our truck was a black Suburban. It took an hour and a half to get the airport, an hour or two to get our 3 bags of luggage on the plane,to get breakfast,to get coffee for my Mom, Dad, Nana Pat, and, Papa Daryl. Instead of getting the sudden rush of immense humidity that tends to suffocate you when arrive in such an exotic location. There was nothing, nothing at all. Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach

We did so many fun things like going on a cruise, zip lining, and swimming in the bay.

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach

I was so glad my family made it possible for me to go. We had so much fun doing all those activities.

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It all started on Saturday, August 27, at in the morning. We woke up got ready and hit the road. We drove to the beach, parked, and waited in line to get on the boat. We waited for about 1 hour then we boarded the boat, we sat at the very top in the back row.

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We finally left shore and started our journey to Catalina island. It took what felt like forever to get to our destination, but Narrative: was worth it because we got to see all, of the dolphins and other cool animals. We finally …show more content… It took about a half an hour but the sight was so beautiful. We finally made it to the zip line registration counter and we signed in.


They called our names and got us in the harnesses and helmets and explained what to do. I was so excited and nervous at the same time.

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Papagayo Beach

They put us in a bus and drove us up the side of the mountain. We got to the top and walked to the first part of the zip line. It was super scary, we were so high up, but I still did it. We ran off the edge of the platform and went really fast to the next platform.

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There were 5 platforms, and at everyone you learned something new and saw so many cool things. After the zip line we walked around for a little bit and saw all the amazing things that were on Catalina island. Then we went to lunch and just spent some quality time together.]

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