Ocean Acidification Assignment - rmt.edu.pk

Ocean Acidification Assignment

Ocean Acidification Assignment - amusing

Due Mar 17 by pm Points 20 Submitting a text entry box Available Mar 14 at 12am - Mar 17 at pm 4 days This assignment was locked Mar 17 at pm. Seawater Chemistry Research Assignment Our planet is undergoing dramatic changes due to human activities such as clearing forests, filling in wetlands, etc. One of the most significant impacts man is having on our planet is related to our burning of fossils fuels, which introduces pollutants and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. The effects of this long term activity are significant, and include dramatic changes to the chemistry of our oceans. Your assignment is to find an in-depth article that fully describes the ongoing changes to the chemistry of our global oceans that are caused by human activities, read it, digest it, and write a complete summary that will includes your analysis of this important issue. The summary needs to be as long as necessary to fulfill the requirements listed below and can be in any format you choose. The article you choose to summarize should address aspects of this issue including: a description of the problems that have been identified their impact on our ocean waters the environmental and financial costs the exact causes of the problems, the solutions that have been proposed the likely future of these issues with and without implementation of those proposed solutions Your summary must include an analysis of how this issue is important to you, and to humans in general. It should also include your thoughts on what actions individuals such as yourself, and humans in general, should undertake to address this issue. Ocean Acidification Assignment

Ocean Acidification Assignment Video

Ocean Acidification Ocean Acidification Assignment

Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials Teaching Tips Teaching Tips Basically a good framework for an activity and great resource links, but activity needs to be developed further for students to learn much from the experience, e. How to draw the current direction and color will need to be more developed. Educators will need to provide significant background information for students so they can complete the assignment and participate Ocean Acidification Assignment in the discussions. Make sure that the students use the same date and region when compiling the two maps. Students are asked to compare their maps with others in the class. It is useful for students to compare a variety of regions for the same time period or the same region over a variety of time periods. It may be less useful for students to compare maps that vary on both time and region.

About the Science This activity uses real data, including sea surface temperature SST and wind Ocean Acidification Assignment, from satellites to Ocean Acidification Assignment the link between ocean Axidification and currents and draws a connection of ocean heat Acidicication to global climate. Comment from scientist: The connection to winds, conveyor belts, and heat transport is not clear and sometimes wrong. For example, in the subpolar gyres, e. Pacific, the western boundary current is the Oyashio, which flows cold water equator-ward on the western side of the ocean.

Reviewed resources for teaching about climate and energy

The warm currents on the west, Ocean Acidification Assignment currents on the east is thus an oversimplification. It would be much clearer if the pressures and geotrophic flow were used to explain the gyres. Then the connection to winds could also be made, since the Ekman flow 'piles up the water' in the center of the gyres. If that is too complicated, then just focus on the winds blowing clockwise or counterclockwise, which gives the sense of rotation of each gyre.

Ocean Currents and Sea Surface Temperature

Also, there is not enough detail given here to understand upwelling. The links in the exercise provide this information correctly. About the Pedagogy Students will struggle to create ocean circulation maps from the information provided.

Ocean Acidification Assignment

It will be important to provide students access to the background information here to make the connections among wind, temperature and ocean currents.

Students will need to be tech-savvy to deal with the data; discussions and conclusions will rely heavily on someone being able to read maps Assivnment having a good spatial understanding. Students will need guidance from the teacher to get much out of this activity as student instructions are sketchy. The benefit of the activity is that the students use data to connect variables to develop key concepts. Teacher's guide is not sufficient, although some of the background information provided in links is quite useful. Technical Details Good design and concept. Computer and printer access is Ocean Acidification Assignment. Students or small groups of students are each working on their own set Ocean Acidification Assignment maps.]

Ocean Acidification Assignment

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