Literary Analysis Of Twains Two Ways Of Seeing A River -

Literary Analysis Of Twains Two Ways Of Seeing A River Literary Analysis Of Twains Two Ways Of Seeing A River.

This is one of the many-times repeated exploration in the Book of Genesis of the struggle between older and younger siblings — all, I think, to teach the same lesson.


In this third week, Twzins Esau-Jacob struggle is resolved in reconciliation. The cease-fire certainly does not mean Israel and Palestine have yet achieved a reconciliation. But the arc of our just-lived history and the arc of the Torah story bear some resemblance. Indeed, the Torah story might teach us some profound truths about the choices being made by the governments of Gaza and Israel. Jacob, the younger brother by just a few minutes in their twin birth, is constantly clawing at, wrestling with, his older brother.

Literary Analysis Of Twains Two Ways Of Seeing A River

Then Jacob through trickery wins the blessing and the first-born birthright that should have gone to Esau. In a moment, we will come back to hear what happens next.

Literary Analysis Of Twains Two Ways Of Seeing A River

Legally, as we learn later in the Torah, the older brother is entitled to a double portion of inheritance. And physically, the older is for years liable to be stronger, more knowledgeable, more capable— and sometimes, the younger brother never catches up. Yet despite this legal and physical truth, in every case, in Genesis, God is said to favor the younger, weaker, brother. In every case but one, despite anger, the older brother restrains himself when challenged by the younger one, and ultimately this makes possible a reconciliation.

Fantastic journey

Back to our Torah portions of Right Now: We are reading about what happens when after decades away, Jacob heads for home. When he does, Esau appears with armed men. Jacob is frightened, and makes some calming gestures. Perhaps he wrestles with Esau. With his fear.

Live alive

With his guilt. With his anguish that the world is so set up by God that in order to become his truest self he had to cheat and steal. This new kind of wrestle changes his deepest identity. In this wrestle, he iLterary, he saw the Face of God. And then Esau is as well.

When he sees that Jacob has been transformed, Esau withholds his power.


The brothers embrace. The one story in which the older, more powerful brother refuses to restrain himself is the earliest — the case of Cain and Abel. It ends in murder by the Over-reaching older, and in his exile.]

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