Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis -

Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis

Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis Video

Jefferson Cowie on the Working Class in the 1970's Part I - Episode: 150304 - The Soapbox Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis

Life among the ruins: deindustrialization in historiographical perspective.

Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis

As recently as the mids, the city, region, and island were supported economically by coal mining, steel making, and fish processing; thousands were employed directly in these areas, while thousands upon thousands more provided supportive goods and services. Things have changed dramatically since then.

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No one on the island goes underground for coal anymore, nor does anyone here smelt iron ore. Fish plant workers remain, but they are few in number and endangered. Within the Cape Breton Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis Municipality, which used to be called "industrial Cape Breton" because the island's steel industry and nearly all of its coal mines fell within its boundaries, the impact of this protracted economic decline has been dramatic and seemingly Stagin.

Between andthe municipality's population has contracted fromto 97, a drop of nearly 26 per cent; immigration to the region is non-existent. The average family income is 40 per cent less than in the rest of Canada; 24 per cent of children under the age of six live in low-income houses, a rate above the provincial and national average; most of those households are led by single women.

Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis

Levels of arthritis, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, substance abuse, and cancer are either among the highest or in the case of cancer are the highest in the country. Derelict houses and buildings line many streets, and arson is all too common.

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The municipal government is practically bankrupt, while property taxes are the highest in the province. It isn't pretty. Yet people, like me and 97, others still live here, on the leeward side of a clearly defined and still influential economic moment. And we are not alone in this endeavour. As Alice Mah reveals in her recent study, people live with industrial ruination all over the world. To understand these lives, she begins, it is critical to distinguish between two concepts: "industrial ruins" and "industrial ruination.

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Emptied of economic purpose, yet often still an imposing physical presence, their degradation evokes a lost civilization, she writes, albeit one created and abandoned within Jefferson Cowies Stayin Alive Analysis relatively compressed period of time. Amidst the ruins, a longing for the time when these things functioned properly is commonplace; so too is a sense of awe, induced by the size and scale of the physical remains themselves, a feeling some have called the "deindustrial sublime. Snapshots of industrial ruination can reveal a great deal about the socioeconomic processes, but cannot be separated from either Sociological in outlook, her analysis of each locale engages with a series of critical questions that have come to define the interdisciplinary study of deindustrialization over the Jeffreson three decades. Why does deindustrialization occur?]

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