Issues In The Breakfast Club -

Issues In The Breakfast Club Issues In The Breakfast Club

Barkers Food bank Linton Distributors This is another step in the right direction to support our students getting the best outcome from their education!

Issues In The Breakfast Club

Whilst this initiative is not currently available to Geraldine High because of our decile we believe that there are things we can do to support awareness ourselves. Research shows that levels of concentration increase and overall health and wellbeing is improved when children have access to nutritious food.

Issues In The Breakfast Club

Here at GHS we have some initiatives already in place along with some exciting plans for how to develop what we are doing further. Our Breakfast Club will be run out of the Hauora Hub starting next term.

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From the beginning of Term 2 students Issuex be able to access toast and spreads at school. Donations are always welcome - there is a basket at reception for foodstuffs such as peanut butter, jam, vegemite or marmite, Milo and sugar, pasta, rice and pasta sauce. Our guidance counsellor is available on extensionemail a.]

Issues In The Breakfast Club

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