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How Does Professional Environment Affect Employee Productivity. How Does Professional Environment Affect Employee Productivity

In every industry, highly productive teams are the key to success. Though nuanced, most companies define being productive as getting work done quickly and in a high-quality way.

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But how do you ensure that your team, or even you as an individual, are being highly productive? And what exactly influences productivity anyway? Though complex to quantify, employee productivity strongly relates to job satisfaction.

How Does Professional Environment Affect Employee Productivity

These factors may seem vast or disconnected. Yet a commonality exists between most: the physical workspace. It even contributes to your health and wellness by way of spatial design i. Two key factors give employees a feeling of autonomy and comfort in their workspace : the ability to move around the workplace from a desk in an open area to a couch, for exampleand the freedom to move things around, too aka reconfiguring the space to meet your needs. Research has shown that being active within a workspace and moving regularly throughout the day has many benefits, including improving the ability to focus and be productive.

Align strategy, structure and people to drive sustainable growth

Whether your click is a team of one or Prodictivity team of 20, each person should be able to get up and find a quiet space when they need to concentrate or an open, collaborative space for a brainstormall under one roof. As opposed to a static desk, which encourages little movement throughout the day, having multiple space types dedicated to various office activities supports an active body and mind.

With studies linking an How Does Professional Environment Affect Employee Productivity in employee productivity with more physical activity, consider the humble staircase, for example. But making staircases a more prominent part of your design strategy, coupled with multilevel access to those diverse space types mentioned above, can increase employee productivity even further and increase connections between coworkers.

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Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, found that workers are interrupted every 11 minutes and can only resume their interrupted tasks after about 25 minutes. That up to over 2.

When you take a look at your workspace, is it providing everything you and your teams need without much effort and interruption? In other words, is your workday spent dealing with small yet distracting issues that could be easily eliminated? Intuitive design is the process of creating something that people can use without any guidance. When you sit down to work, there should be an outlet for charging devices.]

How Does Professional Environment Affect Employee Productivity

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