Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond - rmt.edu.pk

Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond Video

Jared Diamond: Lessons from Hunter-Gatherers - Nat Geo Live

Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond - agree

We use own and third-party cookies to perform analysis of use and measurement on our website. If you continue, we understand that you accept our cookies policy. This book answers the most obvious, the most important, yet the most difficult question about human history: why history unfolded so differently on different continents. Geography and biography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians. Books can be reserved online for later collection and payment at Hibernian. They will be kept aside for a maximum of three 3 work days only. Book binding : Paperback Preservation state : 1. If you continue, we understand that you accept our cookies policy I Agree. Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond

Main thesis : Histoircal findings including paleopathology suggest that " in many ways, adoption of agriculture was not progress but a catastrophe from which humans have never recovered ". How archeology allows us to know this? Analysis of what is in ancient garbage dumps : wild or domesticated food. Paleopathology : study ancient skeletons, can tell sex, eight, age at death, growth rates, disease, teeth show signs of childhood malnutrition, bones with scars tell of anemia, tuberculosis, leprosy. Ancient feceswell preserved, see if have hookworm and other parasites.

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Negatives that came with agriculture. Social inequality.

Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond

Sexual inequality. Poor health and disease epidemics. Diamond's critique of progress. Rejects idea that human history has been a long tale Diamnd progress :. We are better off than people in middle ages, who were better off than cave men, who were better off than apes. Case for progress that Diamond criticizes. Today we have. Most abundant and varied foods.

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Best tools and material goods. Longest and healthiest lives average life span was 47, today 78 in U. Most are safe from starvation and predation. Get energy from oil and machines, not sweat.

Historical Advantage By Jared Diamond

Hunter-gathers' lives were nasty, brutish and short. No food grown, so little stored, so each day struggle to go out and find food to avoid starving. Ag gave us more food for less work. Ag gave us the free time to do art, science, culture.

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Hunter-gatherer life is not all work and misery—much lesiure. Average time a week in search of food. Kalahari Bushman hours. Tanzania Hadza nomads, 14 hours.

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Why work to grow food when nature provides it for free? Agriculture increases food insecurity by relying on so few species that when they fail disaster results. Farmers risk starvation if one crop fails. Irish Potato famine of s, hundreds of thousands died.]

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