Examples Of Morality In Heart Of Darkness - rmt.edu.pk

Examples Of Morality In Heart Of Darkness - the talented

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The other question comes as, if Conrad is Marlow in Heart of Darkness why did he make a fictional character in his place. There are several theories with substantial evidence but there maybe a theory not researched in depth that would explain the usage of fictional character.

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Conrad mirrors his voyage in Africa in Marlow while changing several real life situation to hide the true story. Conrad does this to protect himself from moral criticism and hiding what he really think of the imperial expansion of England.

Examples Of Morality In Heart Of Darkness

Marlow is faced with situations where his action will determine what he really feels about what is happening in Africa. Conrad as an author was a highly respected man and had to protect himself from possible criticism.

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The amount of detail and accuracy to the true situation of Africa in that time only proves point of his possible shelling of the Marlow character. Certain damaging debates have occurred on the moral compass of Marlow as he goes through situations that keep questioning it. Expert have asked questions like, is Marlow racist? Does Marlow support Imperialism?

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Is Marlow attached to the native Africans he finds? And other questions that if they were directly Examles a real standing person or in this case an author would bring substantial worse criticism. Conrad has gone through situations that taught him to protect his emotions. He has discovered the power of shutterted emotions and the possible outcomes and by this he feels less guilty of what Moral or Immoral actions that Marlow takes during his journey to the congo. The possible negative effects of putting his own name in the book would be tremendous.


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All these would be strong substantial reasons to hide the truth from the eyes of the public while telling them half of the truth and entertaining them. Other effects of telling the truth would be protection of his reputation in a time link it is highly valued and protecting his money stream, books.

Examples Of Morality In Heart Of Darkness

First, What Conrad saw in Africa was things he had never seen before and they were worth a story. It is also believed Conrad was not a big Imperialism fan and this was an anonymous wake up call for the public and Conrad believes that this would change what the colonialists are doing in Africa at the time and consider not only the picture but also the small one till the last individual or in this case the last native African. But also although Conrad shows disgust for the actions of Kurtz he also reminds his readers about his view for http://rmt.edu.pk/nv/custom/therapist-interview-the-field-of-child-counseling/middle-school-persuasive-speech.php which is also not that good.]

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