Essay On Swot Analysis Of Sony -

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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to Essay On Swot Analysis Of Sony your grades! The target market segment is the Nigerian population that falls in the lower-middle class income group and below; according to Deloittethis segment has at least million people. Veja plans to distribute its product through the hundreds of thousands of retail outlets in which the lower-middle income groups shop.

The retail outlets are appropriate because they provide the high traffic that the company needs in order to generate sufficient sales and acquire a large share of the footwear market for the Nigerian lower-middle income group. Veja will forge a close relationship with the consumers through the appropriate marketing channels. In a particular, the company will Khan Essays MГѓВ¶ngke its brand in electronic media in order to inform its target market of the affordable footwear brands it will stock in various retail outlets.

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To market to the low-income group, the prices of the shoes will be low and affordable, and Essay On Swot Analysis Of Sony will stock these shoes in the outlets that this group frequents. Order Now The configuration of organisational resources relates to how Veja will deploy its people, processes, and information systems to deliver the customer value proposition. Veja hopes to recruit skilled personnel who will work in the manufacturing plants and provide the services O support the core operations. If there is insufficient skilled labour, Veja will train the people it is planning to recruit. Veja plans to design its operations according to the principles of best practice in order to ensure the highest levels of Anapysis and effectiveness.

The adoption of the techniques of quality management is important considering that Veja plans to position itself as a cost leader, and this means it has to attain manufacturing excellence as a core competence. Veja plans to form partnerships with the suppliers of its raw material inputs and the distributors of its products. The company will rely on the suppliers it will contract to import synthetic rubber, and this means it will have to offer them the support they need in order to operate efficiently and effectively.

On the upstream side of the value chain, Veja will partner with retailers and support them so that they offer its brands the shelf space needed to capture a substantive share of the low-cost footwear market. Veja has two key strengths. First, it is a global firm with over stores worldwide. Attaining such an impressive global footprint requires manufacturing excellence, and this means Veja has the requisite competencies it needs to position itself successfully as a cost leader in the low-end footwear market in Nigeria. Veja will offer employment not just to the people it will employ in its manufacturing and administrative operations, but also all those who will oversee the operations along the entire value chain.

To surmount this weakness, Veja needs to invest in the customer relationships that will enhance its brand awareness and recognition and help it to build the brand equity it needs in order to attain the largest share of the Esay market. The other weakness is that its operations rely click the following article on the suppliers of its raw material inputs into the production process, and if these suppliers face Esssay, Veja will have difficulties achieving its goals. To address the second weakness, Veja must form partnerships with its suppliers. According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africathe Nigerian population is Essay On Swot Analysis Of Sony to reach million within the next seven years, Essya this means that the low-end segment of the footwear market is set to expand tremendously.

Current estimates suggest that the customer numbers in this segment are in the area of million, and at the current growth rate, this number will double within the next seven years. According to MijiyawaGDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa tends to decline after periods of a sustained increase, and this means that the threat facing Veja is that the Nigerian GDP growth is likely to slow down, resulting in the contraction of its target market. Political risks such as governance instability and terrorism also pose threats to Veja.

Analysis of the External Environment of Business 1

These risks are likely to disrupt commercial activities and cause losses to firms that operate in Nigeria. To pre-empt the potential consequences of these threats, Veja needs to adopt a phased approach to investing in the Nigerian market. Investing in phases will minimize the sunk costs that Veja is likely to incur in the event these threats materialise. References Deloitte Beyond GDP- Nigeria.]

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