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Essay On Multiracialism Essay On Multiracialism

Do White People Exist?

Samuel Francis, ed. This is the highest possible praise for such a work. Allow me to explain. Note how history is presumably not a Point of Interest in this scenario.

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Given that all three points are contemporary phenomena, history should impact them Essay On Multiracialism more or less equally. However, when reading political analysis of the past, that equilateral triangle becomes more of a trapezoid, with one point — the current events point — being expanded into a line by history. This line also extends the line between reader and author. The longer these lines, the less insightful, relevant, and powerful the political analysis. Therefore, all political analysis should aspire to be that equilateral triangle.

Essay On Multiracialism

Here we have it for you visual learners since I know how much you Counter-Currents readers hate to read : This is basically why we all still read Aristotle and Edmund Burke. And this is also why every single one Multiracialismm us should still be reading Samuel Francis, in particular, his Essential Writings on Race essay collection.

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You cannot find anything closer to an equilateral triangle Essay On Multiracialism this, despite the decades since these essays were written. Editor Jared Taylor provides a brief introduction and explains how and why Francis was fired from the Washington Times in Irate readers interpreted this as an exoneration of slavery, which it Essay On Multiracialism was not. Sadly, the Times editors sided with the irate readers. This most likely got Francis fired. Clearly, Sam Francis was being punished for the crime of Essay On Multiracialism identity. This was bad for Francis, but, in a sense, good for dissidents at least during the time Francis had leftsince it enabled Francis to write freely about race from then on. Taylor includes some of his best essays in Essential Writings. Should the white race ever fall, the survivors could read this essay and understand why. By channeling Spengler and Burnham, it presents an extremely clear view of politics through a racial lens and it summarily dismisses the counter-factual egalitarianism and universalism of liberal thought.

It demonstrates how whites have become so ensconced in this liberalism that they refuse to act in their own racial interests. As a result, they cede their culture to non-whites, who do indeed act in theirs — most often to the detriment of whites.

To fight back, Francis insists that whites must reassert their racial solidarity and identity — and there is no reason not to, since their very civilization hangs in the balance. Great stuff fromand something we have hardly improved upon and often repeated in the past twenty-five years. Equilateral triangle indeed. Answer: Christianity became European. But when Christian missionaries tried to appeal to the Germanic invaders by invoking the universalism, pacifism, and egalitarianism that had attracted the alienated inhabitants of the empire, they failed. This was because the Germans practiced a folk religion that this web page ethnic homogeneity, social hierarchy, military glory and heroism.

Essay On Multiracialism

Given the contradictions between click here Christian ethics and world-view and those of the Indo-European culture of the Germanic peoples, the only tactic Christians could use was one of appearing to adopt Germanic values and claiming that Christian values were really compatible with them. You can buy Spencer J. This embodies what we all know as conservative values and reigned supreme in the West for centuries. It was only after the Protestant Reformation and especially after Vatican II when these non-European, early-Christian or, Bolshevik elements began to insinuate their way back into Christianity. Both Francis and Russell agree that this is poison for Europeans: The institutionalized Christianity that flourishes today is no longer the same religion as that practiced Essay On Multiracialism Charlemagne and his successors, and it can no longer support the civilization they formed.]

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