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Comprehensive Sex Education Essay

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Comprehensive Sex Education Essay.

Letting children be children : report of an independent review of the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood 'The Bailey Review ' UK [15] Effects on children[ edit ] Inan Australian report called Corporate paedophilia: sexualisation of children in Australia [12] was published.

Comprehensive Sex Education Essay

The Australian report summarises its conclusion as follows: Images of sexualised children are becoming increasingly common in advertising and marketing material. Children who appear aged 12 years and under are dressed, posed and made up in the same way as sexy adult models. Children that appear on magazines are seen older than they really are Comprehensive Sex Education Essay of the sexualised clothes they are given to pose in. Inthe American Psychological Association published an additional report titled "Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls", which performed a study where college students were asked to try on and evaluate either a swimsuit or a sweater.

While they waited for 10 minutes wearing the garment, they completed a math test. The results revealed that young women in swimsuits performed significantly worse on the math problems than did those wearing sweaters. The hypothesis is that individuals about to try on the sweaters had less pressure to look beautiful because they were not wearing revealing clothing therefore they performed better. In click, an American study found that self-sexualization was common among 6—9-year-old girls. Girls overwhelmingly chose the sexualized doll over the non-sexualized doll for their ideal self and as popular. However other factors, such as how often mothers talked to their children about what is going on in television shows and maternal religiosity, reduced those odds. Surprisingly, the mere quantity of girls' media consumption television and movies was unrelated to their self-sexualization for the most part; rather, maternal self-objectification and maternal religiosity moderated Comprehensive Sex Education Essay effects.

The Scottish review also notes that: [s]uch accounts often present the sexualisation of children as a relatively recent development, but it is by this web page means a new issue … While the public visibility of the issue, and the terms in which it is defined, may have changed, sexualised representations of children cannot be seen merely as a consequence of contemporary consumerism.

The Debate For Comprehensive Sex Education

It also notes that previous coverage "rests on moral assumptions … that are not adequately explained or justified. The report was published in June and was commissioned as a result of concerns raised as to whether children's lives are negatively affected by the effects of commercialisation and sexualisation. These themes were: 1 the "wallpaper" of children's lives 2 clothing, products and services for children 3 children as consumers 4 making parents' voices heard The report returned recommendations based Comprehnsive the research from interested parties, on each of the key themes, in the form of "what we would like to see". On the theme of "the Comprehensive Sex Education Essay of children's lives" it said that it would like to see that sexualised images used in public places should be more in line with what parents find acceptable, to ensure that images in public spaces becomes more child Comprehensive Sex Education Essay.

Abstinence Of Comprehensive Sex Education In Schools

On theme two "clothing, products and services for children" the Bailey report said that it would like to see retailers no longer selling or marketing inappropriate clothing, products or services for children. What they would like to see on theme three "children as consumers" is comprehensive regulation protecting children from excessive commercial pressures across all Comprehensive Sex Education Essay in-line with parental expectations; that marketers Comprehensive Sex Education Essay ethical and do not attempt to exploit gaps in the market to influence children into becoming Comprehennsive and to ensure that parents and children have an awareness of marketing techniques and regulations.

Finally in terms of "making parents voices Comprehensve, it would like to see parents finding it easier to voice their concerns to, and be listened to by, businesses and regulators. The media plays a significant role in this sexualization. As a media affect, stereotypes rely on the repetition to perpetuate and sustain them.]

Comprehensive Sex Education Essay

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