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Knowing what your child might experience or encounter during these years can help you prepare him or her, and maybe even prevent certain problems from surfacing. As always, knowledge is power. Common Challenges Faced by Middle Schoolers Below are a few typical middle school problems your child may have to face. Make sure your tween knows that whatever his challenges might be, you'll be there to help, offer advice and work through them together. Self-Esteem Even once confident kids may experience a severe drop in self-esteem in the middle school years. Challenges In Middle School

Phrase: Challenges In Middle School

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Challenges In Middle School

There is a significant disparity between the education Challenges In Middle School students receive and the demands of life in the 21st century. Traditionally, education aims to raise standards by any means, but we are coming to see that preparing students for tests and preparing them for life beyond school are very different goals. Eight million students between 4th and 12th grade struggle to read at grade level NCES, Our challenge is to ensure our students have the skills they need to be literate in a rapidly changing world.

The stakes are high both in terms of individual quality of Challenges In Middle School and national economic competitiveness. The overriding thing we must keep in mind when talking about adolescent students is that their literacy needs are highly this web page therefore, the kinds of rich and engaging literacy practices required must also be varied and go beyond one-size-fits-all recommendations.

The Common Core State Standards are designed to address the issue of low literacy rates by raising expectations and emphasizing the need for students to engage with more complex texts. There is an urgent need to put in place professional development and systemic support for middle school teachers to ensure all students leave middle schools with the literacy skills they need to succeed in high school.

Challenges In Middle School

Reading and Middle School Students Recent initiatives have led to a steady increase in 4th grade reading scores since This has not led to an increase in the literacy levels of 13 and 17 year olds — which have remained static for the last 37 years Rampley, Why do middle school readers struggle? Forty years of research have documented the concern about students who enter middle school without the comprehension strategies needed to successfully engage with the more complex texts and content. Older struggling readers can read words accurately, but they do not comprehend what they read for a variety Challenges In Middle School reasons.

Challenges In Middle School

New York City Department of Eduation Middle School Quality Initiative The MSQI goal is to establish models of middle-grade schools serving our typical students that are making dramatic progress in increasing the number of students completing eighth grade reading on or above grade level. Research as part of the New York City Department of Education Middle School Quality Initiative showed that 1, of the 3, students tracked in Cohort One were identified as severely at risk.

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Analysis of Challenges In Middle School assessment data showed the majority read fluently and were able to retell but lacked the comprehension strategies to engage deeply with the texts. What we have in is a growing body of research and widespread agreement in the reading community about both the problems of struggling readers and a range of strategies and approaches that can address their needs.

We also know there Challengges no one program that will teach all students to read but there is a range of approaches that have been shown to be effective. What does work for struggling adolescent readers? Reading Next and a Time to Act both make recommendations for change designed to bring about improved outcomes for adolescent readers.

They include both systemic changes at the school level and instructional shifts at the classroom level.

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The introduction of the Common Core State Standards in ELA has implications in terms of the instructional shifts required of teachers and their expectation for students as learners. Together, these documents provide direction for the work that needs to be done to improve the literacy outcomes for our adolescent readers. What is very clear is the need for job embedded, intensive professional development. The gaps between the needs of the students and the expertise Challenges In Middle School most middle school teachers is too great to be addressed by more rigorous standards and new curricula alone.]

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