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Becoming An Athlete: A Personal Analysis.

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To date, the assessment and role of athlete-specific guilt and shame has been under-researched. While APPS domains of guilt-proneness and no-concern were not significant mediators, they exhibited correlations in the expected direction with indices of psychological distress and well-being.

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The APPS may assist coaches and support staff identify players who may benefit from targeted interventions to reduce the likelihood of experiencing shame-prone states. Introduction The ways in which athletes appraise their performance and the associated self-attributions can influence perceptions of athletic success or achievement, and the perceived need for reparative action where performance is viewed as suboptimal e. While some athletes may internalize a critical or harsh narrative to motivate enhanced training or preparation, this approach is typically counterproductive, with the potential for unfavorable comparisons relative to peers, past performance, or goal attainment Powers et al. Assessing, and where necessary ameliorating problematic athletic self-perception — especially in relation to negative self-conscious emotions e.


While maturation eBcoming may support youth athletes developing insight into, and self-management practices for experiences of problematic emotions in the sporting context, suitably supportive, and nurturing coaching environments may serve to bolster and enhance innate coping, and fast-track adaptive coping responses in relation to shame and guilt. Shame and guilt are negative affective experiences that tend to occur following a performance-related failure, or a behavioral transgression, that is perceived as inappropriate, morally wrong, or below internally or externally prescribed standards Tangney, Though shame and guilt are commonly experienced emotions, they are often mistakenly referred to interchangeably.

Becoming An Athlete: A Personal Analysis

Theorists distinguish these affective states based on the focal point of one's negative evaluation Lewis, ; Tangney et al. Specifically, when shamed, the self becomes a focal point of negative scrutiny and the event that elicits the shame response is often internalized and attributed to stable character flaws e.

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Conversely, with feelings of guilt the focus of the negative evaluation is squarely on the discrete regrettable behavior or event, rather than the self e. Guilt is also an empathy triggering other-oriented emotional process, in that the individual is acutely aware how their behavior adversely impacts others e.

Becoming An Athlete: A Personal Analysis

Guilt and shame are associated with different motivational and behavioral outcomes. When shamed, the self is interpreted as irreparably flawed and that little can be done to rectify it Kaufman, In this sense, the motivational and behavioral outcomes associated with shame Becoming An Athlete: A Personal Analysis to be maladaptive and can include avoidance, withdrawal, and disengagement Tangney, Alternatively, as experiences of guilt tend to be distinct from an individual's self-concept, the behavioral and motivational outcomes are typically adaptive, as they promote a reparative response e. In comparison to guilt, shame is a much more aversive and disabling experience implicated in a larger range of negative psychological outcomes including motivation and goal striving Weiner,; Tangney and Fischer, ]

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