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Ancient Olympics: Today Vs. Ancient Greece

Fordicidia: Springtime Festival To Tellus in ancient Rome 3 min read 6 days ago Adam On the Roman religious calendar, the month of April Aprilis was in general dedicated to deities who were female or ambiguous in gender, opening with the Feast of Venus on the Kalends.

Ancient Olympics: Today Vs. Ancient Greece

With celebration of Fordicidia on this day, Ancient Olympics: Today Vs. Ancient Greece 15, all those purifying and propitiatory festivities that characterized the month were launched: the Parilia, a feast of shepherds, on April 21, the Robigalia on April 25, to protect crops from blight, and the Vinalia, one of the two wine festivals on the calendar, at the end of the month. It seems that Fordicidia was one of the oldest sacrificial rites in Roman religion, and it was a festival dedicated to Tellus, the goddess of the Earth, so that she blessed the cattle and made them fruitful. Fordicidia was named from fordae cows, that Vs. an unborn calf. The ashes were preserved by the Vestals and used as one of the ingredients in the ritual substance suffimen, along with the dried blood of the October Horse from the previous year, and the stalks from which beans had been harvested.

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Yes, horrible, but the ritual killing of fetuses constituted the offering of the first fruits, that is, Olymppics: offering of something that is not yet ripe and therefore very precious. This concept has been maintained in the Easter rituals, when lambs are killed the first fruits of the flock.

Ancient Olympics: Today Vs. Ancient Greece

Like many other aspects of Roman law and religion, the institution of the Fordicidia was attributed to Numa Pompilius, the Sabine second king of Rome. Let a single heifer yield two lives animae for the rites.

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