Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special -

Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special

Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special Video

You Are Not Special (Audiobook) by David McCullough Jr. Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special.

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The West over the last 40years has mostly been reactionary, simply doing what they have to in order to get through a month, a quarter, maybe a year or two. They have put together a master plan, one that Dzvid as creative as it is massive, to put themselves in the forefront of world economics, and also place them in the position where by default, they will eventually control the world as their defacto Empire.

Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special

That is not an overstatement. Right now, they are putting together action plans that will make this happen if everything Mcculloughs are betting on comes to fruition. This is a game changer in world order, and has brought about the second Cold War. They are doing many things to make this happen. The first part of this plan is to create away to bi-pass current trade routes from the East to the West.

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The first part of this program is taking transportation to the Mid-East and Western Europe overland,building roads, pipelines and railroads from mainland China to the Middle-East and to Central Asia and Europe. This would effectively bi-pass traditional sea routes to those areas.

Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special

China is also spending a lot of money developing harbors and infrastructure in many 3rd world countries, with their selling point that it is mutually beneficial. China can help them get their raw materials to the ports quicker, and as their economies grow, they can buy more Chinese goods. Mcculloughhs

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China has a big problem with their economy. It is not balanced by what the link needs, but rather in many cases by what the central government dictates they should produce.

It makes for a great imbalance in goods being produced that their current markets cannot absorb. In theory, they can distribute these surplus goods to these countries that work with them to create the roads that they need to get to other markets and make both China and other poor countries richer. It is now tending to do the opposite, but that is not necessarily a bad thing for China. In fact, so far,they have targeted over 1. China provides the construction companies, the funding, and then bills the countries back for allof the work done.

Analysis Of David Mcculloughs Speech You Are Not Special

These countries can in many cases barely feed their own people, let alone pay back the loans for this infrastructure development. This gives China a bigger role in their governments and the control of the finished product, basically spreading out their influence in a big part of the world through debt rather than conquest.

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They in effect, own the destiny of these countries and they have to tow the line with China, or else! In the South China Sea, China has effectively claimed the entire area for themselves. The only thing stopping them at this point in time is the US Navy. They are rapidly building up their Navy Fleet, with state-of-the-art destroyers and aircraft carriers. China is also developing artificial islands all over the South China Sea, destroying natural coral and making them effectively static aircraft carriers, and at the same time, declare the area around these strategically placed artificial islands as Chinese territory. Navy Adm.]

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