Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams - rmt.edu.pk

Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams.

Fitzgerald uses many of these s societal developments to tell his story, from simple details like petting in automobiles to broader themes such as his discreet allusions to bootlegging as the source of Gatsby's fortune. Like the novel's narrator who went to Yalehe was educated at an Ivy League school, Princeton. Today, the area is Flushing Meadows—Corona Park.

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One evening, Nick dines with a distant relative, Daisy Buchananin the fashionable town of East Egg. Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan, formerly a Yale football star whom Nick knew during his college days. The couple has recently relocated from Chicago to a mansion directly across the bay from Gatsby's estate. There, Nick encounters Jordan Baker, an insolent flapper and golf champion who is a childhood friend of Daisy's.

Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams

Jordan confides to Nick that Tom keeps a mistress, Myrtle Wilson, who brazenly telephones him at his home and who lives in the " valley of ashes ," a sprawling refuse dump. En Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams, they stop at a garage inhabited by mechanic George Wilson and his wife Myrtle. Myrtle joins them, and the trio proceed to a small New York apartment that Tom has rented for trysts with her. Guests arrive, and a party ensues that ends with Tom slapping Myrtle and breaking her nose after she mentions Daisy. One morning, Nick receives a formal invitation to a party at Gatsby's mansion. Once there, Nick is embarrassed that he recognizes no one and begins drinking heavily until he encounters Jordan. While chatting with her, he is approached by a man who Dfeams himself as Jay Gatsby and insists that both he and Nick served in the 3rd Infantry Division during the Fjtzgeralds.

Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams

Gatsby attempts to ingratiate himself with Nick and when Nick leaves the party, he notices Gatsby watching him. In late July, Nick and Gatsby have lunch at a speakeasy. Gatsby tries impressing Nick with tales of his Scottt heroism and his Oxford days. Afterward, Nick meets Jordan at the Plaza Hotel. They fell in love, but when Gatsby was deployed overseas, Daisy reluctantly married Tom. Gatsby hopes that his newfound wealth and dazzling parties will make Daisy reconsider.

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Gatsby uses Nick to stage a reunion with Daisy, and the two embark upon a sexual affair. In September, Tom discovers source affair when Daisy carelessly addresses Gatsby with unabashed intimacy in front of him. Later, at a Plaza Hotel suite, Gatsby and Tom argue about the affair. Gatsby insists Daisy declare that she never loved Tom. Daisy claims she Wintet Tom and Gatsby, upsetting both.

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Tom reveals Gatsby is a swindler whose money comes from bootlegging alcohol. Upon hearing this, Daisy chooses to stay with Tom. Tom scornfully tells Gatsby to drive her home, knowing that Daisy will never leave him. While returning to East Egg, Gatsby and Daisy drive by Wilson's garage and their car accidentally strikes Myrtle killing her instantly. Gatsby reveals to Nick that Daisy was driving the car, but that he intends to take the blame for the accident to protect her.

Nick urges Gatsby to flee to avoid prosecution, but he refuses.

Women In F. Scott Fitzgeralds Winter Dreams

After Tom tells George that Gatsby owns the car that struck Myrtle, a distraught George assumes the owner of the vehicle must be Myrtle's paramour. George fatally shoots Gatsby in his mansion's swimming pool, then commits suicide. Several days after Gatsby's murder, his father Henry Gatz arrives for the sparsely attended funeral.]

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