The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of -

The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of

The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of Video

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And although not all are fully accepted today, the influence of their views has been of great help in understanding how children grow, think and behave. Here are some of the many child development theories which have been proposed by theorists and researchers. Although his proposals are not very popular today, few people doubt the importance of the events and experiences of childhood in the future development of the child. According to Freud, the development of the child is described as a series of psychosexual stages: Oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital. However, this conception of the development of the mind and personality is a girl of its time and is now outdated. The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of. The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of

Next: 2. Introduction Coverage of learning theory is not specifically required in your assignment.

The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of

However, it underpins almost all HR and people management functions so should not really be omitted from a managing people and change unit. For example: Training and development - this is the obvious one! More often Teh not, people are 'sent' on various types of training and development activities without due consideration to their learning style.

Precious resources can therefore be wasted and little or no lasting benefits to the organisation.

The Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of

Recruitment and selection - these processes need to link learning styles and theories to job requirements to ensure they are successful. For example, if a theorist learning style is likely to be preferred for a desk-based research role, how will this be tested in the interview process? Performance management - poor performance may result often as a result of poor recruitment and selection from a poor fit between an individual and what is required of them.

For example, an individual with an activist learning style may not perform so well at analysing data. Team and conflict management - an understanding of different learning styles will help to understand different staff, how they work, and how they might relate to other people in a team.

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Communication and managing dispersed teams and individuals - again, understanding different learning styles will help to ensure that the most appropriate communication methods are used especially with dispersed staff which may involve using slightly different methods as long as the outcome is consistent to suit different working circumstances and different communication preferences. Change management - understanding people's learning styles can help to recognise where people may be adversely affected by periods of change and to develop the most appropriate strategies to support them. So read through the following chapters, keep the information in the back of your mind when responding to the assignment questions, and think about where it might be useful to refer to learning theory.]

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