The ASPCA: The First Humane Society -

The ASPCA: The First Humane Society The ASPCA: The First Humane Society The ASPCA: The First Humane Society

History[ change change source ] Inthere were disagreements in the American Humane Association AHAanother animal rights organization. The AHA thought that animals could be used in experimentsbut some members disagreed.

The ASPCA: The First Humane Society

At first, it was called the "National Humane Society". This organization focused on national policy. Humane slaughter legislation[ change change source ] Inthe Humane Methods of Slaughter Act passed.

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This law required slaughterhouses to use humane slaughter methods. In FebruaryLife magazine published an Fifst about some of the poor conditions he found. Later that year, the U. Congress approved the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act. This is a part of the organization that works with attorneys around the country to participate in legal cases. This group had won approximately three dozen cases by HSUS and other organizations rescued approximately ten thousand animals.]

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