Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity -

Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity Video

Catholics Vs. Christians: What Is The Difference? Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity

Each individual patient wants to feel important and like they matter to the nurse; they want to feel like the nurse cares about their individual case at that moment in time.

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The simple act of the nurse giving each patient his or her undivided attention will go far in how cared for the patient feels. Being aware of the distinction between caring and Christian caring will, especially for a Christian, only further aid in the efforts of creating that essential nurse-patient relationship. Part of the process of caring for a patient is the nurse always making time to physically care for the him or her — this is the first essential step in caring.

Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity

The patient should never feel like they are being a burden on the nursing staff. With one nurse having to care for multiple Chrisfianity and attempting to each patient feel individually cared for, it is easy for tasks to become routine and dull.

With a nurse giving his or her all to every patient that they are responsible for can take a toll; anyone can take care of a patient physically but looking holistically at the patient is how true care is delivered.

Caring emotionally and spiritually is what separates Christian caring from simply caring.

Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity

This is where the profession of being a nurse has to be more of a calling for an individual from God than simply a job to be done. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject.]

Similarities Between Catholicism And Christianity

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