Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier -

Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier - final, sorry

Write us what you are planning, at GMCovenant theshalomcenter. What do we want the commitment of our community to be, to do, by the last night? We urge that you, we, together create the Green Menorah Covenant -- a local group in your own community that will grow connections with Jews around the nation and the world. Healing our wounded Mother Earth and ourselves from the climate crisis. First of all, the original Mishkan Menorah was shaped like a tree -- branches, buds, flowers. At the heart of Hanukkah is this Tree of Light, connecting Earth with the handiwork of human earthlings. What are the two outgrowths of the olive trees that feed their golden oil through those two golden tubes? And what allows for it to be eternally alight with sacred fire? And so the Eternal loop of Light and Life and Love that lights our way in the gusts of Winds of change. What can we learn from the Green Menorah of the Temple -- one that is sustained indefinitely by cooperative relationship with the ecology of its surroundings? Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier

Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier - remarkable

On that evening, Gloria said something that has echoed in my mind and heart ever since. It is the quote with which she begins this comment on where we stand today. It is the moment of greatest possibility for freedom, and the moment of greatest danger that the abusive husband will try to kill her. Freedom depends on her having a community to protect and nurture her. Right now, many abused communities are walking out of their abusive households. Almost certainly, there will be attempts by those in power to choke these energies to death. Together, we can nurture them and all of us to greater freedom, greater justice. That they were written down at all, I owe to the generosity of Arthur Waskow. Since the Presidential election -- and all that has flowed from it -- they have turned out to be more of a truth and warning than I could have known or guessed at the time. Yet two big things also happened the day after the election.

Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier Video

BBC - Arthur Ashe: More Than a Champion (2015)

Airy neighborhood of Philadelphiathere will be a multifaith celebration of the last day of Sukkot and the Feast Day of St. We welcome people of every faith to come together on October 4th. According to Jewish traditions, on this day we chant, sing, and process in circuits around the click to pray for the Earth and all who live on it.

On the same day, many Christians will be celebrating St. Francis, the patron saint of animals and all Creation.

Ask Greg Archives

We will have seen the impact of Pope Francis's encyclical on the climate crisis and his subsequent visit to Philadelphia.

Gathering all of those strains of religious tradition, this program will serve as a response by religious communities to the crisis of climate change. Together, we will combine prayer, ritual, and learning about what we can do to combat this serious threat to Creation. We will begin with a welcome and a ritual inspired by Hoshanah Rabah involving seven circuits, one for each day of Creation, accompanied by prayers, readings, and banners of seven colorseach connected to one of the Seven Days. We will then hear brief presentations from speakers who will touch on different Artuhr of action that we can take to combat climate change, interwoven with music and meditation.

We will have the chancee to explore these ideas.


To end, we will perform the ancient ritual of beating willows against the ground, symbolizing our connection to the Earth and our commitment to protecting and caring for it. We will leave inspired and empowered to enact our religious beliefs and teachings about the earth and to safeguard it for generations yet to come. We will be outdoors, weather permitting, so please dress accordingly. We encourage you to join us!

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Let us be aware that this year, there are two extraordinary extra truths about Hoshana Rabbah: St. Francis of Assisi loved the poor; loved and celebrated all the creatures of Creation; broke through the fear and Barried of the Crusades warring all around him to go to Egypt to meet with the Sultan to try to make peace between Christendom and Islam; learned from Muslim teachers how to deepen his own prayer; -- and became the inspiration for Pope Francis and his encyclical on poverty, oppressive power, and the climate crisis. Secondly, the Torah calls on us to Assemble! But we have not yet been able to turn this new awareness into action that would actually help the earth to rest. Let us commit ourselves to take these next seven years, from now through the Shmita Year that ends in the Fall ofas the time to carry out our Stody Plan so that our Mother Earth can catch her breath and actually rest from our relentlessly choking her by burning global carbon.

Let us take this time to bring Jewish wisdom and activism to join with the wisdom and activism of others in that Great Healing, Great Turning, Great Transformation.]

One thought on “Short Story Of Arthur Ashe: Breaking The Color Barrier

  1. The question is interesting, I too will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.

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