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Terms[ edit ] The English word "temple" derives from the Latin templumwhich was originally not the building itself, but a sacred space surveyed and plotted ritually. The more common Latin words for a Tooth development or shrine were sacellum a small shrine or chapelaedesdelubrumand fanum in this article, the English word "temple" refers to any of these buildings, and the Latin templum to the sacred precinct.

Architecture[ edit ] The form of the Roman temple was mainly derived from the Etruscan model, Reesarch in the late Republic there was a switch to using Greek classical and Hellenistic styles, without much change in the Roman Coliseum Research Paper features of the form.

Roman Coliseum Research Paper

The Etruscans were a people of northern Italy, whose civilization was at its peak in the seventh century BC. The Etruscans were already influenced by early Greek architectureso Roman temples were distinctive but with both Etruscan and Greek features. Etruscan and Roman temples emphasised the front of the building, which followed Greek temple models and typically consisted of wide steps leading to a portico with columns, a pronaosand usually a triangular pediment above, which was filled with statuary in the most grand examples; this was as often in terracotta as stone, and no examples have survived except as fragments. Especially in the earlier periods, further statuary might be placed on the roof, and the entablature decorated with antefixes and other elements, all of this being brightly click. These Roman Coliseum Research Paper were normally only at the front, and typically not the whole width of that.

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It might or might not be possible to walk around the temple exterior inside Temple of Hadrian or outside the colonnadeor at least down the sides. For example, the "Temple of Dionysus" on the terrace by Roman Coliseum Research Paper Pqper at Pergamon Ionic, 2nd century BC, on a hillsidehad many steps in front, and no columns beyond the portico. But the distinctive differences in the general arrangement of temples between the Etruscan-Roman style and the Greek, as outlined above, were retained.

Roman Coliseum Research Paper

However the idealized proportions between the different elements in the orders set out by the only significant Roman writer on architecture to survive, Vitruviusand subsequent Italian Renaissance writers, do not reflect actual Roman practice, which could be very variable, though always aiming at balance and harmony. Vitruvius does not recognise the Composite order in his writings, and covers the Tuscan order only as Roman Coliseum Research Paper Renaissance writers formalized them from observing surviving buildings. The front of the temple typically carried an inscription saying who had built it, cut into the stone with a "V" section. This was filled with brightly coloured paint, usually scarlet or vermilion. In major imperial monuments the letters were cast in lead and held in by pegs, then also painted or gilded.

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These have usually long vanished, but archaeologists can generally reconstruct them from the peg-holes, and some have been Roman Coliseum Research Paper and set in place. This was especially the case in Egypt and the Near Eastwhere different traditions of large stone temples were already millennia old. The Romano-Celtic temple was a simple style, usually with little use of stone, for small temples found in the Western Empireand by far the most common type in Roman Britainwhere they were usually square, with an ambulatory. It often lacked any of the distinctive classical features, and may have had considerable continuity with pre-Roman temples of the Celtic religion. Greek models were available in tholos shrines and some other buildingsas assembly halls and various other functions.

Temples of the goddess Vestawhich were usually small, typically had this shape, as more info those at Rome and Tivoli see listwhich survive in part. Like the Temple of Hercules Victor in Rome, which was perhaps by a Greek architect, these survivors had an unbroken colonnade encircling the building, and a low, Greek-style podium. In the Pantheon only the portico has columns, and the "thoroughly uncomfortable" exterior meeting of the portico and circular cella are often criticised.

At Baalbek, a wide portico with a broken pediment is matched by four other columns round the building, with the architrave in scooped curving sections, each ending in a projection supported by a column. Caesarea were located throughout the Roman Empireand often funded by the imperial government, tending to replace state spending on new temples Roman Coliseum Research Paper other gods, and becoming the main or only article source temple in new Roman towns in the provinces.

Imperial temples paid for by the government usually used conventional Roman styles all over the empire, regardless of the local styles seen in Roman Coliseum Research Paper temples.

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In newly planned Roman cities the temple was normally centrally placed at one end Colixeum the forum, click facing the basilica at the other. Init was documented as still containing nine statues of Roman emperors in architectural niches. One of the earliest and most prominent of the caesarea was the Caesareum of Alexandrialocated on the harbor. During the 4th century, after the Empire had come under Christian rule, it was converted to a church.]

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