Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory -

Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory

Holden and Brown fill in the midfield quite nicely.

Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory

Holden is an He's played there his entire career. Doesn't preclude him from moving to midfield, but not like Brown who played midfield for 3 years. And they used Fairman for so much at the midfield this year - played wing on FO's at times, did some defensive midfield - that I don't think they sacrifice that when they have a dodger who can plug in for Jared coming in.

He plays up top, on the wing, and behind the goal. Without Bernhardt, Fairman is easily the most dynamic player on the offense.

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The question is where does he make the biggest impact? If he's your most dynamic player, do you only want him the field 1 out of every 2 or 2 of every 3 offensive possessions? Holden, Brown, and Long can all invert against shorties. All three can handle being poled.

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Holden and Brown can sling it from outside something the Terps have lacked since Kelly graduated Tillman's whole thing is getting your 6 best players on the field at any time. So who plays Tiillman is kind of semantics. The discussion might mean more when the 2nd midfield line is in, which is why I think Bubba takes over that Kelly role of staying on the field all game but moving between up top and down low depending on what other personnel packages are in.

Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory

What a great problem for Tills and Rep to have, though, right? So much offensive talent.

Pat Tillman In Where Men Win Glory

Bubba's obviously awesome, but I don't know if he's so clearly the Manuel Noriega dynamic player on offense to the point they will sacrifice the other facets of the game they had him involved in, that no one else at the midfield has shown the capability of doing at the same level, to put him down low at attack.

Especially when they have a 1 guy at attack already - who you could argue is the best player on the offense as is - and have just added a prime dodger like Holden. Holden does do lots of dodging above the cage and from the top you're right, so he could play midfield.]

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