My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis -

My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis Video

754) \ My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis. My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis

Fate Collides: Part Two: Shivers.

I'm there to block your next move. It begins with a question: How much do we owe one another?

My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis

Each coach's and player's individual answer is Stood of the building blocks of The Streak. De La Salle separates itself from the competition because everyone from the head coach to the least accomplished player on the roster is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to be their absolute best. Of course it is, people assume; otherwise natural selection would have weeded it out long ago.

Further Reading

And they're probably right. I hope they are. Nothing more. On the other hand, the dodos and the Steller sea cows could have used exactly the same argument to prove their own superioirity, a thousand years ago: "if we're so unfit, why haven't we gone extinct?

My Jupytar

Because natural selection takes time, and luck plays a role. The biggest boys on the block at any given time aren't necessarily the fittest, or the most efficient, and the game isn't over. The game is never over; there's no finish line this side of heat death.

My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun Analysis

And so, neither can there be any winners. There are only those who haven't yet lost.


You're the only one left, and I know you're here, somewhere. Maybe you're in the back of one of the closets, whimpering a prayer that I won't find you. Maybe you've holed up in some Live hiding place you've about since childhood and are damning me to hell, hoping I'll grow tired of this game we're playing and just leave you alone. This IS a big house. But I am very thorough.]

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