Lady Macbeth: An Evil Wife In Shakespeares Macbeth -

Lady Macbeth: An Evil Wife In Shakespeares Macbeth Video

Lady Macbeth: An Evil Wife In Shakespeares Macbeth - phrase

Was Macbeth Responsible for his own Fate? The characters seen as wicked will sometimes have reasons behind everything they do. This makes them more sympathetic, setting them apart from typical villains. Macbeth is a sympathetic character because he was deceived, pressured, and was fearful. Many people who have read or seen Macbeth would believe that Macbeth is an evil villain with no sympathy. However, this is not the case, as he has many reasons to be seen as a sympathetic character, a tragic hero. One of the biggest things that sets him apart from true villains, is that a villain is devoted to wickedness or crime. Although he did commit the murder, he was conflicted about it. He was deceived by the witches, they only told a partial truth. Lady Macbeth: An Evil Wife In Shakespeares Macbeth.

Causes Of The Downfall In Macbeth

She is strong-headed and ambitious and knows how to take charge. She thinks Macbeth is weak-minded and will not have the heart and courage to kill Duncan. Her personality is portrayed as forceful and dominant. Unlike Macbeth who constantly struggles with his conscience and loyalty before finally murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth has no problem or hesitation with the plan of murder. She gives priority to her ambition and no amount of loyalty or conscience succeeds in making her give it a second thought.

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Although Macbeth has hoped to find some other alternative to become king without committing murder, Lady Macbeth unflinchingly accepts murder as the only necessary way to fulfil her ambition of becoming the queen. She is also seen as wishing to strip herself of all feminine qualities so that she can carry out the task of murdering Duncan. It is evident that Lady Macbeth merely reflects the Shakespsares perception of that time that ambition and violence are inextricably linked to masculinity. This is also reflected in the way the three witches are shown to be manipulating the mind of Macbeth. The play thus shows women as using the feminine method of manipulation to realise their own ambitions.

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Shakespeare implies that women too can have ambitions and they too can be as cruel as men, but the means through which they achieve their ambitions are shrouded in traits of manipulation which as depicted in the play are feminine traits. She effectively manipulates him into murdering Duncan by telling Macbeth that Im needs to prove that he is a man.

Lady Macbeth also shows remarkable strength as a woman when she steadies the nerves of after he kills Duncan and also takes it upon herself to finish the incomplete task by planting the evidences on the guards. She plans the whole murder; the escape plan as well and keeps the whole situation under her control. She even becomes the strength for her husband whenever he is overcome by weakness and anxiety.]

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