Indego Africa Case Study -

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Thanks to new case studies on the Kampala Principles , released this week, we now can visualize the ingredients of effective partnerships. Case studies from Bangladesh, Uganda, and Colombia demonstrate how the best of entrepreneurial spirit, business innovation, and community purpose came together to respond to the COVID crisis, bring small-scale farmers into the digital world, and bridge gaps in access to health care for rural women. What makes the Kampala Principles special is that they have been co-created, endorsed, and applied by a diverse mix of actors: business, governments, civil society, trade unions, and donors among others. I was fortunate to have a front-row seat at the creation of the principles, from idea generation in Berlin and Paris with the Business Leaders Caucus to endorsement of the principles in Kampala and their launch at the United Nations in New York. To me, the principles are compelling because they call for inclusive dialogue, open participation, and clarity of incentives and risk. I hope you will enjoy reading these Kampala Principles cases and teasing out their lessons as much as my co-author Teodora Mihaylova and I have enjoyed writing them on behalf of the Center for International Private Enterprise. The Global Partnership encourages you to share how your own development co-operation partnerships are aligned with the Kampala Principles. Your stories will contribute to our reflections on private sector engagement in development co-operation in the lead-up to the next High-Level Meeting in Indego Africa Case Study Indego Africa Case Study

With the limited response time to curb the transmission, the pandemic is already in 52 countries in Africa. There is much anxiety about the devastating potential of this scourge in Africa, justifiably so because of the weak health systems, high levels of poverty, and overcrowded cities.


Therefore, Indego Africa Case Study report examined the association between the confirmed cases at days of COVID and some significant risk factors in 19 African countries that had at least confirmed cases as of 09 April Results: Three of the four risk factors total population in urban areas, population age, and international exposure correlated positively with the number of COVID cases. In contrast, one public health system correlated negatively with the number of confirmed cases in the countries under study.

Indego Africa Case Study

International exposure was initially the main transmitter of the infection, but community transmission now becomes the driver of COVID infections Cqse the continent. Conclusion: Identification of confirmed cases, quick contact tracing with self-isolation, community engagement, and health systems measures are all-necessary Indego Africa Case Study prevent the potentially harmful ramifications of an epidemic on the continent. There is, therefore, the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach between the government and society.

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The infection was relatively slow to reach sub-Saharan Africa, even as it spread rapidly across the world. Several Governments across the region Indeog advantage of this delay. Angola began to enforce quarantine measures late in February for all people entering the country from high-risk destinations and it closed all its borders on 20 March, despite only recording its first two confirmed cases on 21 March.

As of 30 March49 states in Africa had introduced limited or complete closures of their borders; closing airports, ports and in some cases land borders.

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By the same period, 44 sub—Saharan African countries had shut down schools, banned public congregations or put in place other social distancing measures and 11 had announced a state of emergency. Sub-Saharan Africa, as a region, arguably responded more quickly and decisively than anywhere else in the world Sub-Saharan-Africa, Although reported infection numbers in Africa were relatively small Indego Africa Case Study of the days, they are increasing rapidly, and the disease is projected to be ten times more deadly than the typical seasonal influenza, with reports of over 1.

The number of confirmed cases has remained very low in many African countries. Indego Africa Case Study small number is cause for optimism, with the caveat that a lack of testing or transparent reporting may be significantly distorting these numbers Sub-Saharan-Africa, The limited knowledge has generated much anxiety about the devastating potential of this scourge in Africa, justifiably so because of the weak health systems, high levels of poverty and overcrowded cities.

Indego Africa Case Study

Therefore, this report examined the association between the confirmed cases at days of COVID and the major risk factors for infection in 19 African countries Afrlca had at least confirmed cases as of 9th April These risk factors include international exposure, population age, public health systems, the total population in urban areas and the population density of urban areas.

Go to: Materials and Methods To be able to Arrica appropriately to the pandemic, there is a need to understand the relative risks that each country faces. Five Indego Africa Case Study risk factors The population density of urban areas, the population of urban areas, International exposure, the public health system and the population age were assessed. Each of the variables was categorised on a scale of 1 — 5 as stated below: The population density of urban areas is the measured population per square kilometre and was classified into five groups, with 5 being the highest density and 1 the lowest density EC JRC, ; CIESIN, ]

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