Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays -

Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays - understand

DOI: Melatonin is the first-choice drug treatment. However, to date melatonin in a controlled-release formulation is only authorised for the treatment of insomnia in children with autism or Smiths-Magenis syndrome. Concerns have been raised with respect to the safety and efficacy of melatonin for more general use in children, as melatonin has not undergone the formal safety testing required for a new drug, especially long-term safety in children. Melatonin is known to have profound effects on the reproductive systems of rodents, sheep and primates, as well as effects on the cardiovascular, immune and metabolic systems. Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays

Sadly, these are not always aligned.

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The internal body clock controls circadian rhythm responsible the the sleep-wake cycle. The circadian clock functions in a cycle that lasts a little longer than 24 sundrome. But not all circadian clocks run on the same schedule. If your circadian rhythm is not aligned with the American lifestyle, e. For example, a person with DSPS may fall asleep after midnight instead of at 10 p.

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Shame In addition to feeling like you are crawling through your morning, many people with this disorder have described how they have been shamed for having DSPS. I have spent hours with patients with delayed circadian sleep phase trying to destigmatize sleeping late and waking up late.

Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays

It really is biological. teenage body is changing rapidly and syndtome more sleep. Teenagers and those with DSPS need to sleep for their development and energy levels. A recent Canadian study underscored that point, suggesting that starting school an hour later would likely improve learning and mental health.

While schools in Europe generally start at 9am, some American schools can start as early as 7am, making the situation worse for most students.

Delayed sleep phase syndrome Essays

Some spoke of being happy to work until midnight if they could start at noon, for example. The good news is, many employers are now moving towards more flexibility in work schedules. Music to the ears of those with DSPS. There is no cure for DSPS. It may help to reset your internal clock. Share This Article.]

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