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How to Write (Answer) Nursing Competencies Competency Statements To Establish A Safe Environment Competency Statements To Establish A Safe Environment

While the military quickly named President Idriss Deby Itno's son as the country's interim leader, the rebel group claiming responsibility for his death vowed to continue its fight for the capital — setting the stage for a potentially bloody battle for political control of the oil-producing central African nation.

Competency Statements To Establish A Safe Environment

With confidence, but above all with courage and determination. Others raised fears of violence in the days to come.

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Chadians fed up after 30 years of Deby's rule could also align with the calls for change, he said. The military said Tuesday he now will head an month transitional council following his father's death.

Competency Statements To Establish A Safe Environment

However, Chad's constitution calls for the National Assembly to step in when a president dies while in office. The military called for calm, instituting a 6 p.

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Azem Bermandoa Agouma said. The rebel group later put out a statement saying fierce battles had erupted Sunday and Monday. It released a list of five high-ranking military officials who it said were killed, and 10 others it said were wounded, including OCmpetency president. The army only said Tuesday that Deby had fought heroically but was wounded in a battle. He was then taken to the capital where he died of unspecified wounds.

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He was killed. The Chadian military has only acknowledged five deaths in weekend fighting in which it said it killed rebels. French Defence Minister Florence Parly expressed her condolences to the Chadian people, in a news conference with her German counterpart in Paris. Deby first came to power in when his rebel forces overthrew then-President Hissene Habre, who was later convicted of human rights abuses at an international tribunal in Senegal. Over the years Deby had survived numerous armed rebellions and managed to stay in power until this latest insurgency led by the Front for Change and Statemdnts in Chad.]

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