Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society -

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society Video

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society - consider, that

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Life[ edit ] In spite of his stature as a historian, modern historians know relatively little about Thucydides's life.

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society

The most reliable information comes from his own History of the Peloponnesian Warin which he mentions his nationality, paternity, and birthplace. Thucydides says that he fought in the war, contracted the plague, and was exiled by the democracy. He may have also been involved in quelling the Samian Revolt. While still a youth of years, he and his father were supposed to have gone to the agora of Athens where the young Thucydides heard a lecture by the historian Herodotus. According to some accounts, the young Thucydides wept with joy after hearing the lecture, deciding that writing history would be his life's calling.

The same account also claims that after the lecture, Herodotus spoke with the youth and his father, more info Oloros your son yearns for knowledge.

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society

In all essence, the episode is most likely from a later Greek or Roman account of his life. He also records that he owned gold mines at Scapte Hyle literally "Dug Woodland"a coastal area in Thraceopposite the island of Thasos.

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During the winter of — BC, the Spartan general Brasidas attacked Amphipolis Soclety, a half-day's sail west from Thasos on the Thracian coast, sparking the Battle of Amphipolis. Euclesthe Athenian commander at Amphipolis, sent to Thucydides for help. Thus, when Thucydides arrived, Amphipolis was already under Spartan control.

Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society

Because of his failure to save Amphipolishe was exiled : [16] I lived through the whole of it, being of an age to comprehend events, and giving my attention to them in order to know the exact truth about them. It was also my fate to be an exile from my country for twenty years after my command at Amphipolis ; and being present with both parties, and more especially with the Peloponnesians by reason of my exile, I had leisure to observe affairs somewhat particularly. Using his status as an exile from Athens to travel freely among the Peloponnesian allies, he was able to view the war from the perspective of both sides. Thucydides claimed that he began writing his history as soon as the war broke out, because he thought it would be one of the greatest wars waged among the Greeks in Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society of scale: Thucydides, an Athenian, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that it broke out, Sparga believing that it would be a great Spart, and more worthy of relation than any that had preceded it.

Herodotus wrote that the name OlorusThucydides's father's name, was connected with Thrace and Thracian royalty. Cimon's maternal grandfather's name also was Olorus, making the connection quite likely. Another Thucydides lived before the historian and was also linked with Thrace, making a family connection between them very likely as well.

Thucydides Mosaic from Jerash, Jordan, Roman, 3rd century AD at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin Combining all the fragmentary evidence available, it seems that his family had owned a large estate in Thraceone that even contained gold mines, and which allowed the family considerable and lasting affluence.

Once exiled, Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society took permanent residence in the estate and, given his ample income from the gold mines, he was able read article dedicate himself Compard full-time history writing and research, including many fact-finding trips. In essence, nAd was a well-connected gentleman of considerable resources who, after involuntarily retiring from the political and military spheres, decided to fund his own historical investigations.

Sparta And Athens Comparison Essay

Later sources[ edit ] The remaining evidence for Thucydides' life comes from later and rather less reliable ancient sources; Marcellinus wrote Thucydides' biography about a thousand years after his death. According to Pausaniassomeone named Oenobius Com;are a law passed allowing Thucydides to return to Athenspresumably shortly after the city's surrender and the end of the war in BC. Pausanias goes on to say that Thucydides was murdered on his way back to Athensplacing his tomb near the Melite gate. Bust of Pericles Inferences about Thucydides' character can be drawn with due caution only from his book.

His sardonic click of humor is evident throughout, as when, during his description of the Athenian plaguehe remarks that old Athenians seemed to remember a rhyme which said that with the Dorian War would come a "great death". did not approve Compare And Contrast Sparta And Athenian Society the democratic commoners nor of the radical democracy that Pericles ushered in, but considered democracy acceptable when guided by a good leader.

Occasionally, however, strong passions break through, as in his scathing appraisals of the democratic leaders Cleon [28] [29] and Hyperbolus. The History of the Peloponnesian War continued Contfast be modified well beyond the end of the war in BC, as exemplified by a reference at Book I. This subdivision was most likely made by librarians and archivists, themselves being historians and scholars, most likely working in the Library of Alexandria.]

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