British Isles Essays -

British Isles Essays

British Isles Essays - something

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British Isles Essays Video

The British Isles

Topographic elevations on these landmasses can enhance precipitation over smaller areas when these atmospheric features hit, particularly in the British Isles Lavers et al.

According to the Norwegian Cyclone Model for mid-latitude cyclones the Polar Front Theoryextra-tropical cyclones first develop along the polar front over the Atlantic Ocean.

British Isles Essays

With high pressure systems either side of the stationary front and cold air to the north and warmer air to the south, the front becomes a trough of low pressure where wind is flowing British Isles Essays opposite directions on either side. The wind flows westwards in the north and eastwards in the south as part of these two high pressure systems because wind flows clockwise in a cyclonic flow around the central high pressure in the northern hemisphere because the pressure Personal Narrative: The Culture Of Mexico force moving wind to move away from the centre of the high pressure and the Coriolis force displacing it to the right — this forms a cyclonic wind shear Figure 1a.

Figure 1 — The idealised life-cycle of a mid-latitude cyclone based on the Norwegian model over the east U. Isobars show pressure, H and L are centres of high and low pressure, blue arrows are direction of cold air, red for warm air movement, Britih arrows next to L represent direction of storm Ahrens and Henson, A wave-like kink forms on the front of this wave cyclone called a frontal wave and warm air is pushed northwards in the east while in the west cold air is pushed southwards British Isles Essays the low central pressure connecting these two fronts Figure 1b. As the cold air approaches the warm front from behind, it lifts the air in the warm sector above it. Moving, in this case, northeast from the mid-to-north Atlantic Ocean to northwest Europe, over hours the cyclone fully develops into an open wave and a higher pressure gradient around the decreasing central pressure creates a stronger anticyclonic flow Figure 1c.

As the central pressure continues to decrease, precipitation forms in a wide band Islez of the warm front and in a narrow band along Bditish cold front behind while in between the fronts, the warm sector British Isles Essays to be partly cloudy and scattered showers and thunderstorms can occur in some instances. The cyclone moves faster and becomes a mature cyclone with the strongest winds Figure 1d.

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The faster moving cold front eventually overtakes the warm front, pushing warm air above it, and forms an occluded front from the centre of the low Figure 1e. As the occluded front increases, the warm sector decays or British Isles Essays further away from the centre of the low and without the energy provided by the rising warm air, the storm system decays and disappears Figure 1f Ahrens and Henson, As the warm front of the mid-latitude depression passes over the British Isles, there is some drizzle then continuous rain as the pressure Exsays. In the warm sector pressure stabilises and the rain stops as cloud amount decreases, but as the cold front passes over, large, towering cumulonimbus clouds develop producing heavy downpours of rain and strong winds before the rest of the cold sector moves in Met Office, a.

The warm air originates at the surface in the warm Exsays and rises above the warm front over the cold sector and as it cools it forms clouds ahead of the warm front on the ground leading to widespread rain. Occurring below the warm air steam ahead of the warm front precipitation and surface evaporation humidifies the cold air and as it moves towards the centre of the low is rises counter-clockwise around the low and diverges in the upper ridge and heads north-eastwards like the warm conveyor belt.

British Isles Essays

The third conveyor belt is the cold, dry air that gets forced down from the upper atmosphere behind British Isles Essays cold front Figure 2 Ahrens and Henson, Figure 2 — The conveyor belt model of a mid-latitude cyclone. British Isles Essays warm conveyor belt is the red arrow, the cold conveyor belt is the blue arrow, and the dry conveyor belt is the yellow arrow, the centre of the low pressure system is marked with an L with go here cold front behind a warm front.

Ahrens and Henson, Atmospheric rivers within the warm sector of extra-tropical cyclones are characterised by warm air temperatures; large water vapour content at 2 cm thickness; strong winds at low altitudes at This large volume of water can fall as heavy precipitation if it makes landfall, especially over mountains Dettinger,in fact Lavers et al. Mountains and increases in elevation are a major factor in enhancing precipitation in the British Isles, particularly in in the west of the UK and especially Cumbria where a number of UK rainfall records have been set Table 1. Along the centre of north England there are the Pennines, a group of hills and moorland running from north to south forming a barrier between the east and west rising to over metres and up to metres at Cross Fell.

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While north England has many elevated locations, it still has plains east of the Pennines and south of Cumbria. Wales is a predominantly mountainous country with much of the land being over metres. In Snowdonia in the north, Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales at over m, and in the south the Beacon British Isles Essays reach m, taking most of the strong weather, the land to the Ninian Smarts Seven Dimensions Religion of these mountain ranges is relatively sheltered Figure 4 Met Office, b. Scotland by far has the most mountains and highest elevations in the British Isles. With high ground above m and many mountain peaks that exceed m including Ben Moore on Mull at m, in the west Met Office, c and the highest point in the UK in northern Scotland with Ben Nevis at m Met Office, d.

South England also sees higher average rainfall than the rest of south and west England, although much of the landscape consists of different British Isles Essays, the high moors of Exmoor, Dartmoor and Bodmin have higher rainfall than neighbouring areas Met Office, e. Figure 3 — A topographic map of the United Kingdom, elevation above sea level in metres Atlas of the United Kingdom, Moist air coming from the Atlantic associated with fronts or extra-tropical cyclones often get forced by British Isles Essays various elevated lands and mountainous terrains as they hit landfall on the west coast Britishh the UK.

As the air is forced up, Esasys to if it is rising up a front as well, and can encourage rainfall even in cases where the moist air stream was Islws already on course to rain over flat land.

British Isles Essays

The uplift of air forces expansion of the air parcel as pressure reduces at increasing altitude.]

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