Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust -

Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust

Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.

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Holodaust But above all, thou shalt not be a bystander. But it would seem that not only has the House Representatives forgotten them, but that there is a conscious movement in Washington, D. Nowhere is this conscious denial more obvious than in the recent post from the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Yom HaShoah, the international holiday memorializing the Holocaust. This was followed in the same day by a post from Committee member Ilhan Omar in which she tried to shame Israel for not wanting Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust dollars to be given to the UNWRAwhich has Hamas members on its payroll, underwrites anti-American education programs, commits anti-Israel terror acts, and rewards the families of Palestinian suicide bombers for their murders of Israelis.

Sadly it also reveals her well-justified confidence that other members of Congress will not take her to task for her vitriolic anti-Semitism.

Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust

There have sadly been many times in history where some men acted evilly towards others. The Rwandan genocide in killed nearlypeople as part of a civil war. The Muslim Ottoman Empire killed a million Armenians in the early 20th century for both economic gain and as a religious war against the Armenian Christians.

Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust

And inthe Cambodian genocide snuffed out over 1. But the Nazi Holocaust is unique in all of human history. Nowhere before had there ever been a systematic genocide against a people for no practical or theological reason.

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The Nazis did not kill Jews for monetary gain, and in actuality, the concentration camps were extremely costly to the Nazis. They were not trying to convert the Jews, only to kill them. The Holocaust was the result of two thousand years of anti-Semitism that included the horrific myths of Jews having horns based on a mistranslation of the Vulgatethe blood libel that Jews make Passover click with blood, and repeated pogroms for centuries in Eastern Europe.]

Anti-Semitism In The Holocaust

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