Anna Swir Poem -

Anna Swir Poem Video

A Cup of Kavitha - 88 (Edition 2 Vol 34) Anna Swir Anna Swir Poem Anna Swir Poem

What a gift! The word koan, coming from a Chinese word that referred to a public case, already implies that what makes it a koan is the way that it is examined by more than two eyes at once, and considered as an instance of something.

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My invitation to you this week, then, is to take these two poems in that koan way: to be filled as a great tree with the wind, as a sponge Swiir ocean, as a great life with suffering, as time with death. And if we cut the tree of your life open looking for Spring blossoms, what do we find? Can you take a little time to give yourself over to this sort of meditation, letting all Anna Swir Poem other pressing matters of your day take care of themselves for a bit?

Appointments are for 20 min. Please email to schedule with Sarah: sembender gmail.

Anna Swir Poem

Please email Sarah: sembender gmail. Enter as you are, your video off.

Anna Swir Poem

Join at any point, sink in…Vows at end. Earth Walk Thur.


April 1. We will meet at the Stratton Open Space trailhead located in the southwest area of town- in Cheyenne Canyon. Please email Debbie with any questions: gardenmail msn. Art Gallery facilitated by Fox Love A place for sangha to gather works that inspire and are inspired by practice. This may be anything you make or that you Anna Swir Poem, in any medium.


Please do not include commentary. Contact: foxloveart gmail.

Anna Swir Poem

Click on rockcycleceramics.]

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