An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control -

An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control Video

Democrats Need to Listen to Gun Owners

An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control - nice answer

The fact of the matter is that countries facing an influx of rapes and and an unwanted culture of fear wish they still had their rights to keep and bear. Here in America, it will very likely be the last line of defense as the infrastructure crumbles and the economy bottoms out. People who lose everything lose control; and while they deserve better opportunities, turning to wanton acts of crime and threatening the life of your family is not acceptable. Only an armed populace can defend itself against a society that has abolished dignity and incited waves of crime in government and institutions, and on the streets. If you want to see gun control in action, just go to inner city Chicago and witness the worst scenes of violence in the entire country. They sure make a pretty compelling argument. An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control.

Xper 5 7 d The reason I am for guns is simply that it is a right, your question might as well have asked, are you for freedom of religion or freedom of speech. Same answer of yes as they are rights. When I was in high school, guns were allowed on campus. People had rifles mounted on the back window of their pickup trucks in the parking lot. We had gun club and would meet O school and go shooting together.

An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control

We would take our guns into the school and put in our lockers as there was actually a class called Hunter Safety. There was never any shootings, never any accidental discharges.

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Even if you didn't like someone we respected each other and human life. The problem isn't guns, but why has society changed to the point we are now days? We should not Atgument focused on the tools but instead focused on figuring that part out and what we can do to get back to it.

An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control

The worst offense I saw of violence was a kid brought a knife to school and stabbed a guy who had been picking on him. He had a gun in his locker and could of just as well shot him but choose a knife.

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It wasn't even until around columbine that they ended hunter safety class and stopped gun club, that was long after I graduated. The focus really be on society changes and not a simple tool.

Keep in mind it was similar in college too. Xper 6 6 d I own a respectable collection of martial weapons, nI guns, which are locked away.

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I promise that if somebody infiltrates my house unwarranted, they can die of so many things except a bullet wound you'd be amazed at some ways in which somebody capable could kill a person. Being pissed at guns is as stupid as stupid goes. It only happens to be a An Argument In Favor Of Gun Control Contro easy to use, thus ensuring your coming off on top rather than by not being able to wield a chinese Dao or a japanese Kanabo, or even just a kitchen knife. Plus, banning them would only put law abiding citizens in starker difficulties, as a delinquent has ways to get one under the desk. Guru 8 d I was 'against' once; but gave it Fsvor thoughts. Firearms might be fascinating for some the technology indeed is interestingor they are useful and even needed i. I see two basic kinds of 'gun' owners: - Responsible, conscious and careful people - Morons, posers, criminals, cowards and other human rubble And GUESS who I like more But my own 'country' is reasonably cultured, so presently I see no need for that.

Xper 7 7 d I believe the second amendment is something that needs to be protected. But we also need to be pragmatic and not fanatical about either gun ownership or gun control. Gun storage should be in such a way that makes it virtually impossible for someone to "borrow" a gun and ammo for the purpose of committing crimes. Gun Argmuent should be limited to persons over link A waiting period for gun purchases should be universal and be for 10 days.]

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