Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco -

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

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Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

But don't ignore these topics. Children learn about these substances and feel pressure to use them at a very young age. If your child is older than 5 or anytime your child starts asking, start talking with him Drugs and Tobacco her about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

Here are some guidelines on how to start talking and how to help your kids be substance-free. Start early Experts suggest that you start talking about drinking, smoking, and using drugs when your child is between ages 5 and 7, and that you keep Alckhol discussion going. When possible, look for teachable moments.

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For example, if family members drink wine with dinner, talk about why they do and what it Alcohol to drink responsibly. Or if your younger child is watching TV and Drugs and Tobacco beer commercial comes on, discuss the fact that although the people in the commercial appear to be having a good time, drinking too much alcohol can cause you to make bad decisions. It can also cause you to hurt yourself or others. Talking with your child at a young age is especially important if family members have alcohol or drug problems. Children with a family history of substance abuse are more likely to become substance abusers.

As your child gets older, continue to talk regularly about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. But do so in a way that's right for your child's age. Make your views on the subject Drugs and Tobacco and repeat them often. If you don't approve of smoking or drinking, be sure your child knows this and the reasons for your beliefs. Your child needs to understand that under no circumstances is drug use acceptable and that there are no safe street drugs. Know the facts To educate your child, become informed. Learn about the main drugs that children often try first: Alcohol Nicotine cigarettes, e-cigarettes or vaporizers, and chewing tobacco Inhalants glue, paint, hair spray, and correction fluid The more you know about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, the clearer you will be when you tell your child why he or she should not drink alcohol Drugs and Tobacco use tobacco or drugs.

Talk about these facts: Getting drunk affects judgment. It can make people take dangerous risks that they would not take if they were sober. For younger children, warnings may include riding in cars with a drunk driver including, unfortunately, parents. Or being around people who are violent. For preteens and teens, warnings about see more of judgment might include: Riding with a drunk driver or driving while drunk Having sex against their will or before they are ready Having unprotected sex at any time, which could cause infection with a sexually transmitted disease such as HIV Using drugs with the alcohol Loss of inhibition may introduce them to drugs or the dangerous practice of sharing needles.

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And finally, teen girls may be beaten while they are drunk, their boyfriends are drunk, or both are drunk. Marijuana causes short-term memory loss. Ongoing use during the school years harms the child's ability to function at school. It may result in poor grades and trouble with social relationships. It's also illegal. If a child is caught, both the child and the parents will Drugs and Tobacco held legally responsible.]

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