AIDS Dementia Complex -

AIDS Dementia Complex AIDS Dementia Complex

Apr 16, By Hearing Specialist In the past decade several scientific studies have shown an association of hearing loss with onset of dementia.

AIDS Dementia Complex

With one in eight people over the age of 12 suffering from some level of hearing decline, the importance of this line of study is clear. How are these two seemingly separate conditions linked, though, and Comp,ex does treatment of hearing loss change the outcome? What Causes Hearing Loss?

AIDS Dementia Complex

There are many factors involved in hearing loss, but the most common cause is aging. As a person grows older, delicate structures in the ears break down.

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Other possible causes include: Traumatic damage to the ear from noise or disease Ear infections or abnormal growths Congenital defects Some types of hearing loss are temporary, such as earwax build up. Symptoms of hearing AIDS Dementia Complex include: Muffled sounds especially speech Louder than normal background noises Difficulty hearing consonants The need to turn up the volume What is the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Dementia? The Demetnia happens faster with hearing loss, too, as much as 40 percent faster. When the brain must work harder to hear, it uses resources that would otherwise go to functions like short-term memory.

What causes HIV-linked dementia?

There is also a social factor involved in hearing loss and dementia. People with hearing loss tend to isolate themselves and that lack of social interaction increases the risk of dementia. Most people notice they are struggling to remember things time to time but dementia is more pronounced and chronic. Symptoms would include: Difficulty finding words.]

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