Why Is Data Encryption Important - rmt.edu.pk

Why Is Data Encryption Important Why Is Data Encryption Important

This and other findings are highlighted in the Entrust Global Encryption Trends studythe sixteenth annual multinational survey by the Ponemon Institute News - Alert reporting on the cybersecurity challenges organizations face today, and how and why organizations deploy encryption.

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Identified threats and priorities For the second consecutive year, IT click rank protecting customer information as the top driver for deploying encryption technologies. The big reported Why Is Data Encryption Important is that customer information ranks fifth on the list of information that enterprises actually encrypt, indicating a wide chasm between an organization's priorities and the realities of deploying encryption.

Encryption is at the foundation of data protection, and when organizations don't prioritize protecting customer personal information, they raise enterprise risk of lost business and reputation," said John Grimm, vice president of strategy at Entrust News - Alert. Compliance - which until recently was ranked as the top reason to encrypt - has a solid but decreasing influence over encryption use, continuing a trend noted in the Global Encryption Trends study. The complexity of managing encryption and keys in The study highlights encouraging trends as well. But this milestone reveals new gaps, particularly in multi-cloud environments.

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Encryption tools abound, with organizations report using an average of eight different products that perform encryption. Respondents rank performance, management of encryption keys, policy enforcement and support for both cloud and on-premises deployment are the top valued features of encryption solutions.

Why Is Data Encryption Important

This Encryptikn is consistent with encryption keys for cloud services -- including Bring Your Own Key BYOK - being the most challenging to manage of all key types, according to the study. Not only is key management increasingly complex, but simply knowing where organizational data resides across on-premise, virtual, cloud and hybrid environments is an ongoing issue. As organizations continue their digital transformations, HSMs are playing an increasingly significant role in cloud environments.

Why Is Data Encryption Important

Blockchain, quantum and adoption of new encryption technologies The view of upcoming encryption technologies like multi-party computing and homomorphic encryption is that these are at least five years away from mainstream use, according Imporant respondents. Similarly, while quantum algorithms are not expected to be a serious consideration for around eight years, this predicted timeline has accelerated half a year earlier than predicted in 's report. Blockchain is closer to mainstream use as an encryption technology.]

Why Is Data Encryption Important

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