The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism -

The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism - all business

Learn how and when to remove this template message To gain votes from recently enfranchised, unpropertied voters, Andrew Jackson launched his campaign for the election through a network of partisan newspapers across the nation. After his election, Jackson began a political patronage system that rewarded political party operatives, which had a profound effect on future elections. Eventually, appointees were expected to contribute portions of their pay back to the political party. During the Jacksonian era, some of the first attempts were made by corporations to influence politicians. Jackson claimed that his charter battle against the Second Bank of the United States was one of the great struggles between democracy and the money power. The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism

The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism Video

What is stakeholder engagement and why is it important?

More than a dozen candidates are seeking the Democratic nomination in the June primary, which is all but assured to decide the next borough president because of the overwhelming majority of registered Democrats in Brooklyn. The race features three City Council The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism, a State Assembly member, a former hospital executive with deep community ties, a bishop, a state committee person, a high school English and theater teacher, a daycare teacher and labor activist, a reference librarian and minister, a business administrator for non-profit organizations, and a gang violence activist. Like the rest of the party primary elections for all of city government — mayor, comptroller, public Stakehollder, borough presidents, and City Council seats — happening this June, the Brooklyn Borough President primary will feature ranked-choice voting for the first time.

The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism

The office of president is a relatively ceremonial role without many concrete enumerated powers.

The process determines how rezonings, changes with development, and city map alterations are made. Borough presidents also control millions of dollars in capital funding that they can allocate for infrastructure including everything The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism parks and playgrounds to schools and community centers. The borough president can also award proclamations to people he or she feels are notable and can convene task forces to discuss issues facing the borough, issue reports and policy recommendations, and advocate. And that is perhaps the most important power of the borough president, albeit an abstract one: the bully pulpit. They are the link between the local districts and boards and the centralized City Hall and City Council, between their borough and the mayor and governor. A proactive borough president can influence major decisions.

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Brooklyn, like the rest of the city, is continuing to struggle with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and faces a long road to recovery. It is home to communities that have been disproportionately affected by the crisis, a result of long-standing inequities that stem from structural socio-economic disparities. There are also the perennial issues that are pertinent to all or most of the five boroughs including the lack of affordable housing, the future of the New York City Housing Authority NYCHAlarge-scale rezonings, criminal justice, transit infrastructure, coastal resiliency, and more.

Highlights from those interviews and other key information about the six leading candidates are below, The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism by, on page two of this article, information about the other candidates in the running for Brooklyn Borough President.


Robert Cornegy, Jr. He championed several initiatives and bills to support small businesses including the Chamber On-the-Go mobile The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism support program and a bill to penalize landlords who harass commercial tenants. He also successfully sponsored a bill that requires the city health department to provide lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers at government agencies and offices where many New Yorkers Stameholder services. Among his more prominent achievements is the Kalief Browder law, which mandates that any person detained or incarcerated at Rikers for more than 10 days should receive the necessary vocational, educational, and health care services they need.

The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism

Cornegy touts his experience in the Council as key to being successful as the next borough president, particularly his leadership on small business and housing issues. As with most candidates, Cornegy wants to pursue a new approach to land use and development, focused on creating truly affordable housing.

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He wants to strike a balance in how development occurs in the borough, seeming to criticize both as-of-right market development and the major city-led rezonings aimed at encouraging new housing, including a portion that is rent-restricted. The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism the ways that the Council is already considering changes to how the city pursues the larger context of housing development, rezonings, and all sorts of borough and local needs is comprehensive planning legislation championed by Council Speaker Corey Johnson and originally proposed by Council Members Brad Lander and Antonio Reynoso, another contender for Brooklyn borough president.

But Cornegy repeatedly emphasized the need to ensure greater community input in rezonings. Cornegy voted for the plan in the Council and takes pride in playing a role in the closure of Rikers.

The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism

In terms of changes to how the city does development, there is also a Council bill, pushed by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, to mandate a racial impact study as part of all rezoning proposals, but Cornegy did not mention it. On the power of making appointments to community boards, which play an advisory role in land use at the hyperlocal level and where new term limits start being implemented next year, after a charter change was approved by voters in with the goal of seeing more turnover and diversity, Cornegy said he supports term limits but worries about completely replacing current members from the boards. As with most candidates, he expressed reservations The Importance Of Stakeholder Activism the NYCHA rescue plan being pursued by the de Blasio administration to raise funds for the struggling public housing authority and renovate and rebuild its many developments.]

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