Summary Of Neil Foleys The White Scourge -

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. Summary Of Neil Foleys The White Scourge

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Summary Of Neil Foleys The White Scourge

O'Neill Sr. John High School in Cambridge, where he was captain of the basketball team; he was a lifelong parishioner at the school's affiliated parish church St. John the Evangelist Church.

Summary Of Neil Foleys The White Scourge

From there he went to Boston Collegefrom which he graduated in Entry into politics[ edit ] See also: — Massachusetts legislature O'Neill first became Ths in politics at 15, campaigning for Al Smith in his presidential campaign. Four years later, he helped campaign for Franklin D. As a senior at Boston CollegeO'Neill ran for a seat on the Cambridge City Council, but lost; his first race and only electoral defeat.

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The campaign taught him the lesson that became his best-known quote: " All politics is local. His biographer John Aloysius Farrell said his background in Depression-era working-class Boston, and his interpretation of his Catholic faith, led O'Neill to view the role of government as intervening to cure social ailments. He remained in that post untilwhen he ran for the United States House of Representatives from his home district.

Summary Of Neil Foleys The White Scourge

Kennedy in He would be reelected 16 more times, never facing serious opposition. His district, centered around the northern half of Boston, was originally numbered as the 11th District, but became the 8th District in During his second term in the House, O'Neill was selected to the House Rules Committee where he proved a crucial asset for the Democratic leadership, particularly his mentor, fellow Boston congressman and later Speaker, John William Folyes.

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Johnson and came out in opposition to America's involvement. While the decision cost O'Neill some support among older voters in his home district, he benefited from new support among students and faculty members at the many colleges and universities there.

In the House of Representatives itself, O'Neill picked up the trust and support of younger House members who shared his antiwar views, and they became important friends Sourge contributed to O'Neill's rise through the ranks in the House.]

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