Sacrifice In The Awakening -

Sacrifice In The Awakening - the

History[ edit ] William Strauss and Neil Howe's partnership began in the late s when they began writing their first book Generations, which discusses the history of the United States as a succession of generational biographies. Generation and federal entitlement programs. They also wondered whether any previous generations had acted along similar lines, and their research discussed historical analogues to the current generations. They ultimately described a recurring pattern in Anglo-American history of four generational types, each with a distinct collective persona, and a corresponding cycle of four different types of era, each with a distinct mood. The groundwork for this theory was laid out in Generations in Strauss and Howe expanded on their theory and updated the terminology in The Fourth Turning in In , they published Millennials Rising.

Sacrifice In The Awakening Video

Sacrifice - Torment In Fire (Full Album) Sacrifice In The Awakening. Sacrifice In The Awakening

We as children of God are being attacked and subdued by an unseen enemy and what it says in Ephesians 6 is not fiction but the most profound evidence of the most wicked and evil enemy who are exposing themselves in this country and around the world.

Sacrifice In The Awakening

I will teach you how to use and wheel these weapons. No Longer will God stand for the mockery, the lies, And the deception, make no mistake the Holy Spirit is revealing the truth of all things to the righteous and those who truly walk with God. Please Sacrifice In The Awakening that what you are about to read and awaken to is not something made up nor is it fiction, this is our current reality. We have an obligation as children of God to expose and awaken others to this truth, no one is exempt from what is happening. I want to make this noticeably clear, there is no more time to look away, no more time to sit back and watch the world spin, it is time to rise and stand against the very wicked in this present darkness! To fight an enemy, you must know who and what he is, his strategies, his agenda. I want to start with an enlightenment of how Lucifer began to penetrate the Governmental Hierarchy before World War II Hitler who himself was possessed by Lucifer… Pictured here are Blavatsky, Besant and Leadbeater The writings of Blavatsky, Besant and Leadbeater Pictured above were translated and published in German, giving inspiration for the formation of other Theosophy-based groups in Germany and Austria.

Several Sacrifice In The Awakening these societies would provide the philosophical framework for Nazism. One of these was the Thule. Society, formed inwhose prominent leaders included Rudolph Hess and Dietrich Eckart. A famous member of the Thule Society, Adolf Hitler, underwent a Luciferic initiation assisted by his spiritual mentor, Dietrich Eckart. Follow Hitler! I have initiated him into the secret doctrine, opened his centers to vision and given him the means to communicate with the powers.

An Ascension Guide for Lightworkers | Channeled by Alice B. Clagett

The sacrifice of every click here being was to feed the true value of sacrifice to Lucifer who is the blood-thirsty fallen angel he served. Hitler would sacrifice the whole human race if ordered to do so by Lucifer. On September 11th,the Whole Country watched as a mass Human Sacrifice Sacrifice In The Awakening committed covered and deceptively portrayed as a terrorist attack. In the significance of numerology, there is factors pointing beyond conspiracy theories about the attack which reflect the stage for one of the greatest tragedies of Human Sacrifice besides war, in the History of the United States. Yet we unknowingly and blindly accepted this horrific occurrence as an attack by terrorists.

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I spent 25 years in the Healthcare industry which included the surgical and pharmaceutical fields, towards the end of my career in Healthcare I came to an awakening of how Government, the food industry, and the Pharmaceutical Industry has been working together to bring a great deception which would lead to the degradation of human lives.

In I walked away from it all in Sacrifice In The Awakening disgust of how the greed of money ruled the Health industry and I made the choice to follow the path in which God meant me to walk. Believe me what I am about to reveal to you is a reality in which we have been slaves to an agenda that has held us captive Physically, and Spiritually.

Sacrifice In The Awakening

In January ofthe first person with Covid 19 recorded flew into Seattle, Washington who eventually passed away from it. This is when the very unimaginable happened in this country, the beginning of the Luciferian agenda and the end of our constitutional freedoms. We call them Demons, evil entities, evil spirits, etc.

Sacrifice In The Awakening

We have been deceived in the highest, but God is now awakening his children to become the Church he told Peter that the gates of Hell will not prevail. Before you read any further, I want you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to awaken and open your mind and your heart to the understanding and knowledge to what is going to be revealed. For four years he fought, and I know is still fighting in preparation for return and end the atrocities. Trump knew the minute he took office what had to happened and formed alliances with those who we would think unlikely but highly effective. Now I want you understand that even though he is not at this moment in the open and being in the public as before, Trump is like David who was the true king of Israel and had to hide Sacrifice In The Awakening Saul Biden Admin, Pelosi, etc. Trump knew when Covid 19 hit Sacrifice In The Awakening United States that it was a purposeful and hidden agenda by the leftist Globalists who sought to blame and accuse him of allowing this devastating virus which in fact was created in a lab and distributed all over world, it was a calculated and a very evil attack by those possessed by Lucifer and his minions.


Covid 19 was and is a Luciferian initiation to control, manipulate, and sacrifice a mass number of humans to feed the blood thirsty cravings of Lucifer himself. Now I want you to pay close attention to what I am saying. There are factors that prove why Covid 19 is the initiation of the Luciferian ritual to a mass human sacrifice which involves the Saacrifice of Humans all over the world. The Luciferian Ritual of Initiation begins with: Step1-Mask Wearing: Masking has traditionally played an especially important role in occult rituals.]

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