Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis -

Possible: Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis

Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis 369
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POLITICAL REPRESENTATION IN THE CRUCIBLE 1 day ago · Plutarch was a political animal. After all, we have relatively little information about his life, but active involvement in political affairs seems to have been an uninterrupted refrain from his youth to old age. A charming anecdote informs us about his early political experiences as an envoy to the proconsul of Achaea. 5 days ago · book has received more attention than plutarch's lives, upon the life of marcus antonius provides no equivalent. When he was to make any of shakespeare's brutus and plutarch's cato utican, which may mean that hints. Plutarch's lives () by plutarch, edited by john dryden and arthur hugh clough, translated by eminent hands. Plutarch's lives. 9 hours ago · plutarch’s lives A later visitor to ancient Egypt, this time in the late 1st century CE, was Plutarch, another ancient Greek historian, who is thought to have spent time in the country as part.
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Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis. Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis

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Pompey's father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabowas first of his branch of the gens Pompeia to achieve senatorial status in Rome, despite his provincial origins. The Romans referred to Strabo as a novus homo new man. He acquired a reputation for greed, political double-dealing, and military ruthlessness. He fought the Social War against Rome's Italian allies. He supported Sullawho belonged to the optimatesthe pro-aristocracy faction, against Mariuswho belonged to the populares in favor of the peoplein Sulla's first civil war 88—87 BC. Strabo died during the siege of Rome by the Marians, in 87 BC—either as a casualty of an epidemic, [3] or by having been struck by lightning. He discovered that the theft was committed by one of his father's freedmen.

Following his preliminary bouts with his accuser, the judge took a liking to Pompey and offered his daughter Antistia in marriage, and so Pompey was Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis.

Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis

Pompey raised three legions from his father's veterans and his own clients in Picenum to support Sulla's march on Rome against the Marian regime of Gnaeus Papirius Carbo and Gaius Marius. Cassius Dio described Pompey's troop levy as a "small band. He admired Pompey's qualities and thought that he was useful for the administration of his affairs.

He and his wife, Metella, persuaded Pompey to divorce Antistia and marry Sulla's stepdaughter Aemilia. Plutarch commented that link marriage was "characteristic of a tyranny, and benefitted the needs of Sulla rather than the nature and habits of Pompey, Aemilia being given to him in marriage when she was with a child by another man.

Pompey accepted, but "Aemilia had scarcely entered Pompey's house before she succumbed to the pangs of childbirth.

Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis

Plutarch wrote that Pompey dismissed with contempt a report that she had had an affair while he was fighting in the Third Mithridatic War between 66 and 63 BC. However, on his journey back to Rome, he examined the evidence more carefully and filed for divorce. He was condemned to death, but later released for the sake of his mother Mucia.

Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis

Sulla sent Pompey to Sicily with a large force. According to Plutarch, Perpenna fled and left Sicily to Pompey. While the Sicilian cities had been treated harshly by Perpenna, Pompey treated them with kindness.


However, Pompey "treated Carbo in his misfortunes with an unnatural insolence," taking Plutarchs The Life Of Marius Analysis more info fetters to a tribunal he presided over, examining him closely "to the distress and vexation of the audience," and finally, sentencing him to death.

Pompey also treated Quintus Valerius "with unnatural cruelty. Pompey left his brother-in-law, Gaius Memmiusin control of Sicily and sailed his army to Africa. When he got there, 7, of the enemy forces went over to him. Domitius was subsequently defeated at the battle of Utica and died when Pompey attacked his camp.

Some cities surrendered, some were taken by storm. King Hiarbas of Numidiawho was an ally of Domitius, was captured and executed. Pompey invaded Numidia and subdued it in forty days, restoring Hiempsal II to the throne.]

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